Chapter 12

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The sound of people rushing around me woke me up from the daze I was currently trapped in. The feeling on hands across my body jolted me into a sitting position.

"Cordelia you need to lay back for me I have to work on you." An unfamiliar voice caught my attention. A girl with brown eyes looked back at me almost begging me to sit back. Following her instructions I leaned back.

"Okay I want you to count to 10 for me starting from 1." I nodded my mouth moving the numbers coming out raspy. A mask made it's way into my vision and suddenly I was pulled back into the dark.

Walking into the hospital felt like old memories playing on repeat. The amount of times I used end up in one was more than I could count. The air smelt of antiseptics the walls painted a bland brown. Following the nurse to Cordelia's room made heart beat faster. It was my fault. My fault that she was hurt. If I hadn't let her go out by herself she might've never been hurt.

"Mr. Cadell she's still under anesthesia I suspect she'll but up any minute though," I nodded pushing the door to her room open.

The first thing I noticed about her was IV that ran into the top of her hand held there by a piece of tape. I dragged a chair from the wall and placed it next to her sleeping form. Her chest rose and fell at a comfortable pace a frown etched on her beautiful face. She truly was beautiful. Her brown hair turning into the color of sand shone in the fluorescent lights from above. Her eyes closed covering the brightest blue eyes I've ever seen. Grabbing her hand was something that I longed to do. Every waking moment of everyday since I met the light of my life. Most people might say I'm crazy thinking she was light of my life considering we had just met but she was. From the way her lips upturned into a smile. The way she laughed was like a melody. The way she protected people. The way she tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear as she read. She was a light to this world, my world.


A hand held mine and I knew, it was him. From the way shocks shot up my arm to the way it felt warm in mine. I opened my eyes.

"Hey del, how are you feeling?" Kades eyes met mine sending a smile onto my face.

"Good, a little sore but nothing I can't handle." He nodded and stood from his chair.

"I'm going to get a nurse and let them know you're awake. Don't go anywhere," I deadpanned.

"Yeah let me just get up and take a quick walk," he chuckled and left the room. The opened again and instead of Kade walking through it was my brothers. All of them. Cringing away from their stares I looked around the naked walls of my room.

"How are you feeling Cordelia?" It was Edward that spoke. His familiarity sending a smile onto my face.

"Peachy," he chuckled sitting in the same chair Kade occupied just minutes ago.

"Gee thanks, that sure is one way to compliment your mate." My head snapped over to Kade and my smile only grew. I couldn't help it when I burst out into a fit of giggles again. Not to mention, right when the doctor walked in.

"Hi I'm Dr. Green, I'm an intern here, but you can call me by my first name Autumn because Dr. Green sounds really weird to me." she gave me warm smile. Her dark hair surrounded her square face and a pair of tortoise shell glasses rested in her coat pocket.

"So let me run some tests real quick and if they look clear I will be free to start your discharge papers." she looked around and smiled at all of my brothers. Though she stopped at Taylor, he smiled at her and she just looked back at me. "I'll be right back to get you a wheelchair okay?" I nodded then I turned to Taylor.

"What is wrong with you do you like her or something?" Taylor stayed silent for a moment too long.

"Megan she's my mate." I jumped for joy a squealed. The rest of my brothers hugged him and said congrats with their weird man hug.

"I wonder if she is a werewolf or something else? But probably not she probably is just human." Like on cue, Autumn walked in with my wheelchair... I don't know if I'm just imagining this or what, but I think her hair just changed pink for a quick second.

When we were taking some tests she was talking to me about how she graduated early at the age of 14 and that she is almost done with her intern year here before she becomes a resident.

"Hey do you want to hang out sometime?" the grin she gave me would've put the joker to shame.

"I would love to but I think it would be a little inappropriate." She frowned nodding along to what she was saying. I  scoffed.

"It's no big deal. Besides you'll get to see Taylor more often," her eyes widened and her brown hair tinged a shade of pink.

"Then I would love to," she sent me a soft smile.

"Great! When do you want to meet and where?" She said very politely and I answered just as sweet.

"My brother Taylor will pick you up at your house at 5 today. You are going to sleep over at my house." her smile got even bigger if that was even possible.

"I can't wait here is my address." she grabbed a pen and scribbled some letters and numbers and tore the paper before handing it to me. I stuck it into my front pocket and patted it for good measure,

"Well, I better be off, I have to do some rounds." She skipped away from me super happy. Yep, I am so good with setting people up. There gonna be such a great couple. Then I did an evil snicker. Taylor has no idea what's coming for him.

I am sorry that this is late but I kept forgetting then when I did remember I being bombarded with my mom telling me to do chores so I only got a few words in. Sorry if this is a sucky chapter. But please Comment. Vote. And Like. Thank you for reading.

(Updated, September 2022 guys! another edit, hope you enjoy)
- Autumn

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