Chapter 39

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Megan's pov
  As I walk into my first class for SAT and groaned because it was ELA. The worst subject ever made, yet it's the subject we need the most. Why world why couldn't we just be blessed with the knowledge when we were born so we wouldn't have to do this. As I sat down, the teacher started to explain the rules about how we are not to have our phones with us and blah blah, blah blah, blah, blah. This is so boring we've done this what three times already and they still shove this into our already-knowing minds. When she said we could start I immediately started answering questions wanting to get this over with.

I groaned as I sat down at the lunch table bored out of my mind from taking two SATS already. But guess what? Since this test was kinda easy I was able to take the math SAT right after the E.L.A. One. So, I'm happy yet, I'm bored. I glanced up at Tyson. Him looking at me gave me this feeling of complete happiness. I returned his smile and said, "Why are you smiling like that?" His smile reached his eyes as he blurted out, "it's a surprise." I looked into his eyes and saw this glint of happiness and I knew that there was no mischief involved with his surprise.
   "Well, I can't wait for this supposed surprise." His smile seemed to grow even bigger if that was possible. "Ohh! You will. By the way I like what you did with your hair considering the circumstances." My smile vanished when he mentioned my hair, but then soon smiled when I remembered what I was going to enact on his head. "Thanks, I tried to make what I had left look good." I gave him a smile that reached my eyes and I sat back down. Just now noticing that I stood up. I leaned onto him "By the way when do you want to enact the plan on my dear dear brother?" I whispered. He smirked and leaned in just as close and whispered, "tomorrow." His breath sent a pleasurable shiver coarse through me body. "Tomorrow it is then," I replied breathlessly. After lunch, we walked into yet another testing room and started testing.

I sighed a breath of relief as I finished testing. Since I finished before everyone else, I was blessed the gift to leave early. I started to do my happy dance. When I was interrupted by a laugh. I looked up and saw the one and only Tyson. "What are you laughing at pitchfork?" I barked out. "Pitchfork? Really?" I just nodded. "Well okay. But, to answer your question I was laughing at you. That dance is funny." I gave him the look. "That dance is my happy dance, so back. Off. Buster." I gave him my sweetest smile after my "heartwarming speech." And you know what he did? He Laughed. LAUGHED! I got mad so I said, "Why are you out here anyway? Aren't you supposed to be testing?" He smiled and said, "I doing the same thing your doing. Going home because I finished early to... unless you want me to come over? Do you?" His sickly sweet smile made his face faun innocence. I growled and said "fine. You can come over... as long as you get me muffins." His smile reached his eyes as he said "yes."
     We pulled up to the gate and I typed the code in. The gates opened for us and we slowly pulled in. I put the car in park and said, "we're here." I turned in my seat to face him and he gave me a smile and leaned in. I realized what he was doing and slowly started to lean in too. When our lips touched it was like heat had spread to every part of my body and pleasurable tingles were felt where his hand touched my neck. He deepened the kiss some and that sent a little moan to come out of my mouth. I broke away and bit my lip and blushed. I heard a deep rumble come from him as I looked up. "Don't do that." As he pulled my lip from my teeth. He connected his lips to mine again and all was perfect. He pulled away breathing heavily and smiled. "That was amazing." I said with a smile gracing my face.
He nodded in agreement and put his forehead on mine. "I think we should head inside." I spoke breathlessly. He just nodded in agreement. We walk in hand in hand trying to think of something to do.

"Hey do you want to go bowling?" He asked as we are watching a horror movie. "Yeah! That would be so much fun," I exclaimed. He smiled at me funny and turned off the T.V. and stood up. "Ok. Let's go then." He said as he held his hand out to me. I gladly took his hand in my grasp.

"So, what's your plans after graduation?" I asked. He seemed to freeze at my question. But as fast as it was there it was gone. He turned around and smiled while saying, "Well, I guess you'll just have to wait and find out." Smart butt. "Your such a poopy face. Why won't you just tell me now?" He smirked and replies "Because it's a surprise. And poopy face? Seriously? Can you get anymore childish?" I just grinned and nodded. He finally paid the man and we went to our lane and started to put our shoes on. Since I finished before him per usual, I left to grab my ball. I jumped excitedly because I found the last 7 pound ball. I swiftly grabbed it and headed back to Tyson. But me being me just had to slip and fall causing the bowling ball to land on my foot. I screamed and people looked at me weirdly. Tyson immediately shot his head in my direction and saw my dilemma and started laughing. I scowled at him and picked up my ball and went over to him. His quickly sobered up and asked, "are you okay?" I nodded and said, "I'm fine," he looked at me questionably but continued to take his turn bowling.

"Awww! That's not fair!" I shouted as he scored yet another strike. He just laughed at me and sat down saying, "your turn." I picked up my ball my foot being healed long ago. And took my steps to try and look intimidating. I held my ball up, swung back and let go. I couldn't help but squeal when I scored a strike. "DID YOU SEE THAT! I scored a strike!" I started jumping up and down. As he smiled at my behavior, he took big strides to me and whispered in my ear, "yeah I did princess. You did great." His hot breath sent pleasurable shivers down my spine. I turned to face him and he slowly leaned in and smoothly connected his lips to mine.

Oh my gosh! I am soooooo sooooo sorry it has been eons since I updated. I have had a lot on my plate lately and I just wanted to give you guys a long chapter and ta da! Here it is I hoped you enjoyed. I will try to update soon. Please Comment. Vote. Follow. Thank you!
-Autumn 👑😇

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