Chapter 25

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Megan's pov
When I walked into the lunch room I walked into something I never would've thought I would go through this.

When I walked through the door I didn't really make it that far because I was suddenly pulled back. I started to struggle against the person's strength. I started to see dots in my vision and I suddenly realized that I was breathing in chloroform. I started to stuggle with trying to stay conscious, but finally I did sucome to the darkness.

When I woke up, I was tied to a chair and I was in a dark room. I heared a door open and close and I start to panick a little.

"Well well well. What do we have hear. Oh I know if it isn't the mermaid princess oh and don't let me forget the mate to the Alpha." this man said darkly. I don't know what it is, but that voice sounds familar... Oh No! Crap! It's my cousin!(he is my adoptive cousin, but yea he is still my cousin) I knew he was a bad person, but I didn't think he would kidnap me.

He went out to touch my face and gave him a glare. "Ohh and look who's being now. Now you know bad girls get punishments. So, looks like I'm going to give you yours." he pulled something shiny out of his pocket... A Knife!

He held it and got up real close and he stabbed me in the stomach. I let out a blood curtling scream. When he pulled it out I said "what is on that blade. It tingles" he just smirked and replied "oh just some magic to make your healing process the sams as a humans, long and painful." with that he stabbed my thigh with the knife. Which with that I let out another blood-curtling scream and he just laughed.

"Your a monster!" I exclaimed. "Oh now now, thats no way to talk to your cousin is it?" and he pulled out another knife and stabbed my other leg.

I tried to use my magic, but seems that it's not working. "What did you do to my magic?" I said with a glare. He smirked again and said "Oh I am keeping it in a safe place don't worry."I started to panicking dang nabbit.

I tried my best to contact my brothers or my mate, but I will never know for sure I just have to wait.

Tyson's pov
I waited and waited for Megan to show up, but she never showed up. When she didn't show for her other classes I started to panick. I called her phone and on the third ring she picked up. "Megan where are you? I'm really worried." all I got in response was silence. Then, I heard and unfamiliar voice, "well sorry to say this, but Megan isn't going to return. Well she is just... Not alive." All of my emotions kicked in and I became extremely angry. "Where is she? I swear once I get my hands on you... You will never see the daylight again." I heard chuckling on the other line and he said "is that a threat Mr. Tuff guy?" he asked.
"No it's a promise." apparently that was funny so he started laughing.

"Oh really let's here you threaten me when you here your girlfriend scream." My eyes where dark as the night sky now. "If you touch her I swear," next thing I hear is Megan scream "Get away from me! I hate you! Get away!" then all I heard next was her blood-curdling scream. My emotions where everywhere from anger to depression to sadness. I suddenly felt the tears prick my eyes. I didn't even stop them from rolling down my face. She is in danger and I didn't protect her.

"Don't worry Megan I'm coming to find you." all I got in response was more of Megan's screams in pain.
"Help Tyson! Get my brothers they'll know what to do."

"Shut up! You don't want me to hurt you again do you?" I could just feel him smirking.
"GO TO HELL!" she screamed. I didn't really expect her to say that, but I guess she really hates this guy.

I heard her scream in pain and the line went dead.

I just collapsed right then and there. All these emotions are consuming me. I heard someone crouch down next to me, when I looked up, I see my sister's face. Her face showed worry and sadness, I guess she heard the phone call. "I've got to find her." she gave me a sad smile and nodded.

My whole body filled with determination. I will find you
Megan I will find you.

Megan's pov
He hung up the phone and he came over to me and smiled sinisterly at me and said "Well then let's get to work on your way to death then. By the looks of it you don't have a lot of time left. Considering you're losing a lot of blood. Let's keep on that." he just kept that stupid sinister smile on his face.
He grabbed my face and leaned down and started to kiss me. I bit his lip and he jerked back and said "Oh now now Megan that is no way to treat me now is it?"

I just kept a long hard glare at him. I looks could kill he would be dust. He then grabbed a pair of sissors and cut my shirt and shorts. All I was in now was my undergarments. All I did was keep glareing at him.

He grabbed a knife and stabbed both of my arms to the chair, and then he grabbed another one and started to cut my thigh and it looks like he was carving his name on my upper thigh right next to my underwear.
"Kyle let me go! When my family gets a hold of you there won't be anything left of you!" he just gave me another one of his sinister smirks and said "oh I'm counting on it." Face grew from anger to worry "what are you going to do to them?" he just smiled and said "let's just say that there is a present in your kitchen that likes to go BOOM!" I started to cry not because of my injuries but because of my brothers. They don't deserve to die.

Edward's pov
I just heard that Megan was captured and I am getting really worried.

I am getting thus faint message but I Don't know what it is. The faint message is saying Don't open it Don't open it. I start to head to the kitchen because all this thinking is making me hungry. When I entered the kitchen I saw this box and the message just kept getting stronger-don't open it. Don't open it.-My eyes widended in realization the message is coming from Megan. If it is I am not going to open it.

I hope she is okay. Just hold on Megan.

Just hold on.

Sorry for the late update it was thanksgiving break and I just got home. Thank you for reading and please Comment. Follow. Vote. Thank you.

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