Chapter 29

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Megan's pov                               When we got home, I just headed up the stairs and crashed. My day had just worn me out. Then I remembered that I have school tomorrow. MONDAY! Uugggghhhh! Why world? Why!?... whatever I'll get over it.

I woke up to my alarm... oh alarm my oh so dear alarm... I HATE YOU-wait hate is a strong word as my father says. Well I very strongly with all my heart and soul dislike you. All I want to do is SLEEP!
    I slid out of my bed that feels like heaven and got ready. I put on white shirt and jeans shorts and converse. I quickly ran downstairs because I was running late. Who am I kidding I HATE school! Oh well I'm going to be late anyways so might as well just later than I already am. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed my muffins and slid into the car like a boss.
   While I was driving to school, I tried to stay right at the speed limit so I could get to school even later. What?! I'm trying to delay the inevitable. Don't lie to yourself, you would do it to.
I finally arrived at the school and I stepped out of my car trying to go as slow as I can.
    Finally now that I see teachers I can't avoid the inevitable anymore. I'm going inside. This awful place I call school. I walk in and out of no where my triplet Percy comes charging at me wearing an angry expression on his face. "Where have you been? I have been worried about you young lady.!" I stood there trying to give him an excuse, but could find none so I tried to change the subject. "Umm you are barely older than me. You are like seconds older than me." I said triumphantly.
    Apparently that didn't work because he just gave me the 'you seriously think I'm going to fall for that look' (and yes that is what he said bye the 'looks' of it! See what I did there!) "I didn't want to go to school today so I just tried to go as slow as I possibly could." I shrugged like I did nothing wrong. Then, he just gave me the biggest smile like that made complete sense, which it did by the way.
   So, after he interrogated me, I headed to language arts, which I have with Tyson. I walked in and gave my note to the teacher that explained I was late. I scanned the room for Tyson and once I found him, I sat right next to him. He turned to me and smiled. I returned it. "Hey you still up for that date tonight?" I smiled and nodded. "I don't want to spend time with brothers right for some reason." I shrugged. He just shrugged and smiled at me. For once I actually payed attention for once. I guess I should because this actually looks important for once.

When the bell rung I was glad to get out of  language arts. I was starting to get really bored. Next, Tyson and I headed to math together and we HELD HANDS!!! LIKE A REAL COUPLE!!! I am probably acting like a fangirl who just found out her favorite characters just wedded, but whatever who cares because I sure don't!
   We entered the classroom and sat down next to each other obviously! He turned to me and asked "what do you want to do tonight? Anything in particular?" I rested my chin in my hand and thought for a second then, a thought came to my mind. "We should go to the fair that just came to town!" I think I said that a little too loud because a few people just stared at us for a few seconds and then turned back around.
   His smile seemed to get bigger and nodded frantically. "Yea that is a good idea! I love the fair!" His reaction made me smile more. I love h-what?! Do I really? Am I actually saying that I love this man?! This absolutely bea-I got interrupted by Tyson waving his hand in my face with a worried expression planted on his face. "Is everything okay?" I just gave him a smile and nodded. "I'm just thinking about a few things. I'm fine."  He gave me a smile back and turned away. I payed attention again to the lesson which was a review over quadratic functions.
The class swung by so fast I almost didn't here the bell ring. I groggily rose out of my chair and headed for the door. Before I could reach it, my head pounded and my vision started to blur then, I black out.
I was standing in a field with a rainbow of flowers and in the midst of it I see a woman standing there. I started to approach her and the closer I approached the more familiar she became like I knew her somehow. "Mame do I know you?" She turned around and right then and there I knew this woman was she is-

Hey people sorry for the super late update I know I left you a cliffhanger Huh? Who do you think it is? Please Call meant on who you think it is thank you for reading this book and please Comment. Follow and Vote.

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