Chapter 13

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Cordelia's  pov
When I rolled myself back into the room, I still had this little evil smile plastered on my face. Edward looked concerned and took a step forward.

"Why do you have your planning face on? And who is it for?"  My grin seemed to get bigger and replied,

"Autumn is coming over tomorrow and we are having a sleepover--Oh and Taylor, you are picking her up at 5 at...12468  Mt. Olympus avenue." I stopped to look down at the address and thought to myself that it was a weird but awesome address to have.

"Really del?" He scolded me but I could tell he was happy.

Autumn walked in and told us the good news.

  "Okay, you are good to go. Oh and by the way here are your meds." and she handed me a yellow bottle with the word analgesic and my name on it.

"Take one in the morning and before you go to bed. And I will see you tomorrow night." she turned to Taylor.

"Also, I will see you tomorrow at 5. Don't be late," she dropped down her voice and was more on the serious side. She gave another 100-watt smile and walked out but with a little bounce to her step.

"I swear that I saw her hair turn pink for a split second." they all looked at me strangely.

"I don't thin..." a girl screamed. I froze turning my head towards the sound. It couldn't be. Carefully sliding out of bed, I ran out the door toward the noise my brothers in tow. Down the hall, Autumn was knelt on the ground seemingly fine until I heard soft cries coming from her. Taylor slid past me and knelt on the ground next to her.

"Are you okay?" She shook her head turning towards him. She lifted her palm from her stomach revealing a mess of blood pooling out.

"Oh my God," I rushed forward kneeling next to her.

"How did this happen?" She shook her head again. I sighed.

"Can you--can you take me over to that chair?" My brother nodded lifting her up bridal style. She let of a muffled cry at the movement causing my brother to pull her closer to his chest.

"It hurts," She let out a sob as she clutched her stomach.

"Now normally I would wait til I got to know you better, but considering the circumstances, I think I'll waive the probationary period." I joked.

"Del, don't." Percy shook his head but I rolled my eyes holding my hand out. He sighed digging around in his pocket and revealed the pocket knife I knew he always carried.

"Thank you," I said as he begrudgingly handed the knife over to me. Flipping the top up, I sighed trying not to think about the pain. I walked over to Autumn with my newly cut palm and held it up to her.

"Drink." I demanded. Her eyes widened.

"What?" She looked at me appalled that I would even offer my blood to her.

"Yeah I know, I know, It's weird. But, it'll help I swear." She glanced down at the blood now sliding down my arm then back to me.

"This has got to be the weirdest thing I've ever done," She mumbled reaching forward to grab my hand.

"Yeah yeah. Now come on you're wasting precious resources." I joked earning a slight smile from her. I let her bring my hand to her mouth and she grimaced at the idea of doing this. I cringed at the feeling of my power draining until I saw her wound starting to close.

"Hey guys did you hear that?" Jacob whisper-yelled. Everyone shook there head no. Autumn lifted her shirt looking at her stomach with wide eyes.

"H-how?" I grinned.

"Magic." I sent her my best jazz hands then pulled her onto her feet. She deadpanned rolling her eyes at me.

"Uhuh, sure. And I'm the queen of England."

"Didn't she just die or something?" She pondered for a moment the nodded.

"So i guess that kinda cancels your theory. Cause for all I know you could be the next queen of England." She chuckled knocking my shoulder with hers.

"Guys I'm serious. You can't hear that?" Jacob glanced nervously around us noticing how empty the hospital actually looked.

"Why is it so empty?" I asked glancing between my brothers. Looking over to Autumn, I noticed her looking over my shoulder. She paled the tips of her hair turning a bright white.

"I uh, I've got to go." She nodded pointing back over her shoulder.

Dun dun duuuuuuun! Cliffhanger  sorry this is sooooo late like I said the next one will be a bit sooner so please Comment. And Vote thank you for reading

(Updated October 25th, 2018. Hey guys! Hope you enjoy the edited version.)

- Autumn👑😇

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