Chapter 6

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We walked out of the living room and I pulled her up the three flights of stairs and in front of the double doors leading to my room.

"Okay, don't freak out. But this is my room and I have a feeling we will be spending a lot of time in here." Excitement danced in her eyes and I pushed open the door.

My bright room met our eyes a sigh leaving my lips. Still beautiful as ever.

"Oh. My. Goddess. This is beautiful. You live here?" She turned to me mouth agape amazement shinning as she glanced around my room. Running, she jumped up and onto my bed sighing out in content.

"Now you have to tell me what your family does for a living. Because I know they aren't electricians," she laughed out gesturing out to the room in front of us.

"You are right about them not being electricians. You've heard of the company villa realty?" Her eyes widened recognition flashed in her eyes.

"No way! Don't they own and design pretty much everything in the known world? They designed the glass pyramid at the louve museum! And-and they help design and build celebrities houses!" I smiled at her enthusiasm. If she really knew what we did she would think I had two heads.

"My family owns many other company's like Villarreal & CO, some electric companies, stockbrokers, and are involved in charities across the globe,"

"Wow, so you're basically an heiress. No wonder why your house is literally a castle." She lifted her arms off the bed and dropped them with a plop. I laughed pulling her off my bed.

"Okay, let's go see the rest of the castle as you like to call it." She rolls her eyes letting me peel her off the cloud that is my bed. We almost made it to the door when I felt her resist my attempt to drag her out of the room.

"Wait, I think I see something." I huffed and watched her inch toward the couches and to the wall near the right corner of the room.

"Megan! Come here. Look!" Sighing, she ran her hands on the wall before pushing in and almost falling forward. My eyes widened and rushed to where Katherine stood the wall open behind her.

"I had no idea that was even there." I breathed. Curiosity bubbled in my chest and I walked through the doorway, coming face to face with a stone stairway.

"This place is so cool! Let's check it out!" Katherine squealed pushing me forward slightly. My legs inches forward stepping down the steps until it opened up.

"Wow,"  a giant pool of water that seemed to open up to the ocean sparkled against the small fires that seemed to magically appear when we walked into the room.

"Wow is right. This place is ethereal," Katherine sighed out her voice airy.

The room was massive to say the least, the body of water taking up the majority. The scent of salt drifted into the air small laps of water wading into the room. There was a small circular space in the ceiling that let in the suns rays, the water sparkling under its warmth.

All I wanted to do was dip my toes and take a nice, long, swim, but I couldn't. I couldn't indulge myself in this small piece of heaven quite yet. Katherine was here, and my secret had to stay, a secret. It was imperative to my survival that nobody could know, not even my mate. At least until the time was right.

"Okay, we should head back upstairs and check out the rest of the house," Katherine's head popped up from staring at the alluring body of water in front of us and hesitantly nodded, following me up the stairs.

Looking one last time at the glittering pool, I swore I would come back tonight to revel in its beautiful glory.

"Hey Katherine would you like to stay the night this weekend?" Her head snapped up to look at me, eyes wide.

"Uh, yeah! I would have to ask my parents first, and they'll probably want to meet your parents or something before I can. I hope that's okay. My parents, are, kind of over the top." She sighed, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Oh yeah, that's totally fine. I get it, but my father is away on business but they're more then welcome to meet my eldest brothers." She nodded a smile stretched across her face. We walked around the corner and I pushed open the dark oak door revealing a theater.

"And this is our home theater, that I didn't know existed until a few hours ago." We giggled walking farther into the room and collapsing onto the velvet couches.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?"

"How about later. I think your older, possibly hot, older brothers just got home. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and I pulled it out glancing down.

We're back

I smiled. She's good.

"Okay, then I guess it's time for you to meet them," smiling, she jumped up and practically pulled my arm off as we left the room.

"Hey! What's the rush?" She slowed slightly but kept an urgency in her steps walking down a seemingly familiar corridor. It's like she was following something.

"Oh, no reason, I'm just excited to meet more of the Regal familia." Chuckling, the foyer came into view as well as my eldest brothers.

Edwards eyes locked to Katherines, dilating.


Oh, this is gonna be good.

Edited 2/23/21

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