Chapter 8

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Today is Friday, today I will tell him. Tell him my secret that I swore to never reveal. But here I am, standing outside the doors to the school I've only been two days.

Taking a deep breath, I pushed open the doors to the school stretching out my senses. He wasn't here.

My shoulders sagged, despair filling me up almost overflowing. He wasn't here, how am I supposed to make things better when he won't even show up? I readjusted the strap on my bag as I headed down to my first period.

The day went by faster than I expected and there was still no sign of him. It was like Kade didn't even exist. He vanished from school and I didn't know how I was supposed to tell him the truth if wouldn't even show his damn face.

Lunch had come and gone and there still wasn't a sign of him.

The last bell rang sending a sigh tumbling from my lips. He wasn't coming. Determination swelled in my chest and I decided I was just going to make him listen. I was going to his house.

"Hey Perce. Can we make a pit stop on the way home?" I looked into eyes identical to mine and begged. He sighed nodding his head. I squealed jumping into his arms in delight.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! You're the best brother ever!" He laughed wrapping his arms around me holding me close.

"Hey! That's not nice," Ryan spoke crossing his arms over his chest.

"Oh boo hoo, you'll get over it." he shook his head, his red curls bouncing against his face. Grabbing both their arms, I dragged them down the hall and out the door.

"Hey, let me go! you're going too fast." Ryan grumbled pulling his arm from mine and walked in front of me to block my path.

"Move! I need to go see Kade!" He rolled his eyes but nodded anyway. We made our way to the car and I jumped in front while Ryan drove.

"Okay where does this dude live?" I rolled my eyes but handed him a piece of paper.

"Woah, he lives right down the street from us. That's kinda creepy." He said pulling the car into reverse. The drive was short and I didn't get sick this time. One moment I was looking at the greenery, the next I was staring up at this large house, or mansion. Calling it how it is.

"Wow, so hes got money." My brothers nodded as Ryan put the car into park. I bolted out of the door and ran to the front door nearly running into the door as I pushed the door bell. i waited about 5 minutes until a tall brunette woman opened the door. She looked like Kade.

"How may I help you?" She wore a stern expression that sent shivers down my spine.

"Hi, my name is Cordelia and I'm here to speak with Kade." Her face relaxed and a smile spread across her face.

"So you must be the Cordelia your father was talking about. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'll go get my son," my eyes widened. She was his mother? She didn't look like she was old enough to even be a mother. That's when I remembered that wolves age slower than us merfolk. Us merfolk already age slower than humans but wolves live about 50 years longer. Kades mother gestured me to come inside to which I happily obliged.

"I'm Cadence. Kade's mother and Luna of this pack." I nodded. That's how she knows about me already. My father made sure to let the alpha and Luna of the nearby pack aware of my existence. Wait what?! That means Kade is next in line to be Alpha. Holy crap!

Footsteps sounded from my right and my eyes met Grey. He halted in his descent his stare boring into my skin.

"Hey," his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"I'm ready to tell you who I am," this made him walk the rest of the way down stopping right in front of me. I looked up to him and reached out. His hand was rough, most likely through years of shifting and work.

"Can we go somewhere private?" My eyes darted around the foyer before resting on his face. He nodded, holding my hand in his and pulled me back up the stairs. We walked down the hall and to the right. We were in his room.

The walls were a navy blue with a king sized bed pushed against the far wall a nightstand on either side. There were pictures on the walls and I walked over to the one on his dresser. His smile shined up at me with both parents on either side of him.

"So, are you going to tell me? Or are you just gonna snoop?" I flinched, his voice shocking me out of my trance and I turned to face him.

"You might wanna sit," he nodded, his dark hair shaking with each nod. I took the chair on the other end of the room and set it down right in front of him.

"Alright. So I'm not exactly human," he scoffed shaking his head mumbling about how he already knew that.

"Let me finish please. So I'm not human. I'm something else. Something you probably thought didn't exist. I'm a Merrow. A mermaid. Merfolk. And I'm the last living female in the royal linage. I am Princess Cordelia Maeve Villarreal of the 7 seas and I'm the first girl born into royalty in 12 centuries." I finished breathing quickly giving Kade quick looks every now and again. He looked dumbfounded. Shocked.

"Y-you're a mer-mermaid?" I nodded holding my hand and formed my magic. My palm glowed and the water from his skin and mine was suddenly resting in the palm of my hand. His eyes widened looking down at my hand.

"Wow," smiling up at him, I returned the water back into his skin with little concentration.

"I wasn't allowed to tell anyone this but with special permission, I was allowed to tell you, my light." His brows furrowed.

"Your what?" I laughed shaking my head.

"My light. It's what we call them. Just like you call me your mate, I call you my light because our soulmates are like the light in the darkness. Once upon a time when the first merfolk found their light, their arms burned and almost a molten like substance formed across their arms and it glowed in the waters of Atlantia, hence came our light." He smiled down at me nodding in understanding. He reached out with both hands and took mine into his looking at me with understanding. Good. I was worried he would hate me.

"I think it's time for a proper introduction. Hi, my name is Kade Jax Kingston." Smiling up at him, I squeezed his hands.

"Hi Kade, I'm Cordelia but you can call me lia." One of his hands reached out, brushing his thumb against my cheek.

"Can I kiss you?" Nodding I reached behind his neck and pulled him into me our lips touching. At first it was like a breathing for the first time, and then it became familiar, like I was always supposed to be here in this moment. It was perfect, the kiss. It was like breathing for the first time and also falling all in one. Tingles shot down my neck as his hand tangled in my hair pulling me closer. I sighed out slowly breaking the kiss. Looking up at him through my lashes, I watched as he lightly chuckled.

"You're amazing del." my breath hitched at the nickname but soon a smile spread across my face revealing my true feelings on the matter.

"Would you like to eat dinner with us this week?" I blurted out which sent laughs tumbling from his plump lips. A warm feeling spread in my chest as I watched him laugh. That's when I knew that this man would ruin me. He would perfectly ruin me and I would let him. I didn't love him. Not yet, but I knew I would, and I knew it would be sooner rather than later as I watched his eyes squint as he laughed.

"Yes, I would love to," I smiled leaping forward into his arms just enjoying the tingles that shot through my body. It was true. I finally found my light. And I couldn't wait to see what would become of him and I.

Edited: 09/22/21

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