Chapter 5

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This is Jacy and Katherine

As we walk down the hall, I open my mouth and start a conversation.

"So, is your hair naturally straight or did you straight iron it?" slowing our pace from a speed walk to a slow stride.

"Natural. Now do you curl your hair or..." she lead off gesturing to my unruly curls.

"Natural." The corner of my mouth lifted into a smirk. Generally, mermaids doing usually carry the curly hair gene. There isn't an explanation or a solid reasoning for this, it just isn't common.

"I hate you. My hair will not hold a curl for the life of me." Pouting, she tugs on my arm sending a grin to my face.

"Mine is similar to yours except instead of staying curly, it won't stay straight. I've tried, but nothing holds longer than 2 hours."

"I like you. My brother likes to scare everyone else off, resulting in my lack friends," she squeezes my arm dragging me farther down the hall.

"I feel your pain. I've got 7 brothers, who love more than anything to be overprotective." I groan out a small laugh spilling from my lips.

"Friends?" She held out her hand.

"Friends, and if you want, you can come over today after school, I'd love to introduce you to the rest of my brothers,"

"Now let's find this locker because class starts in 4 minutes." The warning bell rang, my head ringing along with it.

"Run." A hand grabbed onto mine pulling me farther down the hallway and around a corner.

"Hey! Slow down, I'm no where near as tall as you are," my breaths came short and quick as my heartbeat pounded in my ears.

"Sorry. Anyhow, this is your locker." Glancing down at my schedule, the numbers 13,14,15 read at the top right hand corner. Right, left, right.

The locker opened with a click revealing the black interior along with textbooks and a cork board.

Glancing down at my schedule, I read down the list of classes I'm taking.

Honors English 3
American history
Free period
Advanced biology
Physical Education

A smile played on my lips excited to take another year of sign language. Grabbing my ASL and precalc book, I slammed the door shut turning to face Katherine.

"You take ASL?"

"Sí. I also am fluent in Spanish, French, Greek, Italian, German, Russian, and mandarin." I also speak the language of the Gods but I wouldn't tell her that. Katherine looks at me wide eyed grabbing me by the shoulders.

"Are you a genius? Because I'm pretty sure you're a genius," I shook my head a chuckle escaping my throat.

"It's just a hobby, I have a thing for languages,"

"A thing? More like an aptitude for it! Could you maybe teach me some French? I've always wanted to learn." Smiling, and nodding. Smiling and nodding. If she knew how bad of a teacher I was, she wouldn't be even asking. My back straightened like a rod my hand starting to burn. No can't be.

"Hey, you ready for first period? We're about to be late." Katherine tugged me down the hall giving my brother Percy a small wave as we passed. Raising my brows again, she cowered from my stare a blush running up her neck.

"So, what's this thing with you and my brother?" Her checks flushed a scarlet red avoiding eye contact.

"Uh, So, the thing is, there is this thing that I'm not quite-" I gripped her by the shoulders shaking her. She looked her green eyes into mine snapping back to reality.

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