Safe with you

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Harry hardly remembers the day when his grandmother passed away. There are some sketchy memories about the funeral, but that’s all he can remember about his grandmother who died when he was way too young. But he remembers his grandfather; he remembers the crinkly smile, the green eyes just like his, the way his granddad held his hand when they went for their daily walks to the beach.  His grandfather was a quiet man who always had advice ready when Harry needed it, sometimes when he didn’t even ask.

His grandfather liked the sand, liked the way it slid between his fingers, the way his footprints were left on it when he walked. Harry used to sit quietly by his grandfather; listening to the tales he spun for Harry, out of the rolling clouds, out of the waves that crashed relentlessly against the rocks.

Love was like the ocean, his grandfather used to say. Love was like the ocean, deep and restless but yet so enchanting enough that it always pulled you towards it.  It was one of those rare times when his grandfather used to talk about his late wife, like she was still alive, his eyes sparkling and a smile stretched across his face as he talked; about the first time he saw her bathed in the evening sun’s glow at the very beach he and Harry were at.

Years after his grandfather passed away, Harry said goodbye to the beach as he began his life as a part of One Direction. But it was only when he saw Louis that he realized how true his grandfather’s words were; how love was like the ocean, deep and restless but enchanting enough to pull you in.

Harry is sure that he won’t be able to give a precise answer as to what made him fall in love with Louis. He won’t be able to tell if it was the blue eyes, deep as the ocean but clear as the sky ,or if it was the smile that lights up his day every time.  He doesn’t know if it’s the way Louis sleeps, if it’s the way Louis likes to drink his tea every morning; hot , scalding hot and spend a minute or two cursing the  tea after he burns his tongue. He can’t exactly what it was; it’s all of Louis, every single thing about him.

But Harry will be able to explain precisely what he feels when Louis is next to him, the way his heart runs a mile a minute, the way all the air in the world isn’t enough. He can explain how his skin tingles, sparks buzzing on his skin every time Louis’s fingers dance across it. How it feels to come apart under Louis, when every breath, every touch is magnified by a thousand times; when it’s never enough, when all he wants is to feel Louis’s arms around him. When it feels like he’s reaching for the stars when he and Louis are moving together, in perfect sync and in perfect harmony.

He can explain how he knows, almost instinctually when Louis is near. The way it’s natural for him to just orient towards Louis, his body automatically relaxing against the warmth that Louis’s body offers him. The way he just can’t help but smile when he feels Louis’s hand lightly encircling his waist, fingers brushing against his hip. How it’s easy for him to just fall into Louis, feel the way his lips mould  perfectly against Louis’s lips, the way every kiss is like the first one, filled with surprises every time. To feel like he’s drowning when he’s never felt more secure, more anchored.

It’s not that he needs to be afraid when he’s with Louis, but somehow he finds himself being just a little careful, just a little hesitant because it’s all so new for him; he has never felt this overwhelmed, this affected by one person. But it’s Louis, so it makes sense to him. It’s hard for them, hiding from the cameras, pretending that they’re someone else. But when he comes back Louis is there, with that smile and those blue eyes, deep as the ocean, Harry knows he’s come back home; knows that it’s all right as long as has Louis’s arms around him, knows that he’ll be fine as long Louis is there next to him , fingers intertwined with his own. He knows he’ll be safe as long he has Louis, because that’s all he needs...


Hello:) 'Hold me close' was supposed to be just a one -shot, but then this happened and I thought it fit in here, quite well. This is my first attempt at writing all out Larry fluff so I hope I've done all right. If you liked it do comment and vote! And thank you so much for the 500+ plus reads on 'Hold me close'. If you liked this, follow me on tumblr maybe (?) it's Well, that's all for now..enjoy!! :)

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