You and I learning to speak with kisses on cheeks

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Where Louis is small and oh so delicate, and Harry can’t help but fall in love with the pretty boy.

{{I blame Ed Sheeran for this. Title from Fall by Ed}}


Louis is like unlike any one Harry has ever seen, and he doesn’t think he’ll see someone like Louis either. He’s okay with that, he gets to keep Louis all for himself (yeah, he’s being selfish, possessive and jealous but really, it’s Louis). They’re miles apart in every aspect, and Harry can work with that but what drives him crazy is how small Louis is next to him.

Harry’s all long, lean with never ending legs while Louis is all curves and sharp edges co-existing in perfect harmony. Louis just fits in with Harry- his body tucked neatly against Harry’s side as they cuddle up on the couch; hands loosely clasped lying on Louis’s lap.  Harry likes it, fuck; he loves it that he can gather Louis into his arms when they hug, when the taller boy’s body engulfs Louis’s.

Louis doesn’t share Harry’s enthusiasm on the subject- his face immediately scrunching up in  annoyance as Harry leaves a possessive trail of kisses down his body, whispering how pretty Louis is (the annoyance doesn’t last much longer when Louis flips them over and shows Harry what  exactly  he can do with those  pretty hips  of his).

Harry thinks Louis is so, so pretty when he looks over at Harry shyly, his blue eyes (oh, how Harry loves those blue eyes) wider as he worries his lower lip between his teeth. Harry thinks he could just hide Louis somewhere safe when Louis pulls him close all of a sudden to plant a kiss on his cheek, and smiles like a smug cat.

Louis is like a kitten, Harry thinks (maybe that’s not a good comparison but Harry’s always been shit at making comparisons). Louis is all curves and dips and twists, Harry thinks contrasting against his jagged lines and angles. Harry thinks he could live like this forever- holding Louis nestled against his chest, feeling Louis’s breath fan against his skin, yeah, he could definitely do that.

And Harry doesn’t get tired of telling Louis that he’s pretty, no matter how much Louis huffs and puffs in annoyance and calls Harry ‘sexist’ even though Harry knows he doesn’t mean it, he likes the way Louis gets all riled up, his face contorting into an adorable frown and Harry grabs Louis and kisses him and silences him. He loves it really.

Harry thinks maybe he’s whipped.

Yeah, he is.

So, yeah, Harry thinks Louis is the prettiest boy he’s ever seen and he’s more than happy to keep Louis to himself.

And he loves Louis- with all the curves and dips and twists- yes, he does Harry thinks as he pulls Louis onto his lap, ignoring Louis’s sleepy protests and he’s going to keep Louis hidden in his arms forever.

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