Untitled Larry fluff

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Louis doesn’t exactly like coffee; he’s more of the tea drinking variety. He’s also the let-me-keep-to-myself- and-read-my-book–thank you kind.

But then he’s here drinking an espresso, trying to not cringe at the strong taste of it, listening to Harry talk about the gig he’s managed to get at the local bar and how he would love it if Louis would come see him play.

Harry looks so earnest, his green eyes big and childlike and Louis frankly can’t tell him no. So he agrees that he’ll be there the following Saturday at 7.

---- --- --- -

Harry doesn’t have ‘an okay voice’- he has a fucking  amazing voice and Louis is thankful that he doesn’t pass out when Harry dedicates a song to him, pointing out to him as he says that.

The crowd loves Harry and Louis feels ridiculously like a schoolgirl when Harry saunters over to kiss him soundly in front of everyone, causing the people to clap and let out wolf-whistles.

Louis doesn’t stop blushing the entire evening.

He invites Harry over to his flat, only realizing that Niall would be there as he’s unlocking the door. It’s not that he doesn’t want Harry to meet Niall, he just wants to keep this thing he has with Harry to himself just a little while longer.

Niall’s sprawled out on the couch, focused intently on the football game. He looks up as Louis comes in, his eyebrows shooting up when he sees Harry.

“Hi, I’m Harry,” Harry nearly pushes past Louis as he walks up towards Niall, who, still hasn’t moved from the couch or changed his expression.

“Niall,” he says and shakes Harry’s hand. Harry now looks mortified as Niall observes him coolly and Louis wants to throw something at his head.

He’s about to do just that when Niall cracks up, doubling over in laughter.

“Your face!” he manages between gasps, pointing towards Harry.

It takes a few seconds before Harry’s laughing along too, and Louis sighs in relief. Niall is the closest thing he has to family and Louis wasn’t looking forward to him and Harry being cold towards to each other. Harry is now raucously cheering along with Niall and he looks over at Louis who’s still standing in the hallway.

“C’mon, Lou!” he gets up and  he’s pulling Louis along with him and Louis is placed securely between him and Niall. Niall leans towards him and whispers, “I like him. I think he’s a keeper.” Louis just smiles widely in reply.

--- --- ----

Six months later, Louis and Harry walk into the café and place their usual orders – an espresso for Louis and a Yorkshire tea for Harry. They sit in the corner booth, facing each other and Harry immediately links their feet under the table. Louis doesn’t stop blushing the entire time, like always.


this is gibberish...

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