And kisses can wait

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Louis is maybe a little afraid, maybe he’s a little broken, but Harry is patient enough to piece him together after all.


Louis tried.

He really did, he didn’t mean to pull away when Harry leaned in closer. But he did move away and it didn’t feel all that good to watch that hurt expression flit across Harry’s face-even it was quick and fleeting- it made him feel horrible.

But Harry smiles widely again, his dimples peeking out, his green eyes back to drinking Louis in (Louis honestly doesn’t think anyone has ever looked at him the way Harry does), “Coffee?” Harry asks smoothly and Louis is a bit out of sorts so he just nods.

“Harry, I-” he begins but Harry is quick to place a gentle, barely there touch on his hand.

“It’s all right, Lou,” he says, the smile turning just a little bit kinder, and Louis has to turn away to blink away the sudden tears in his eyes.


It’s the little things really. The way it just breaks Harry a little every time Louis winces, almost involuntarily at any kind of close contact. The way Louis’s eyes dart around nervously when they are in a crowd, the way he pulls back, like he wants to disappear. But Harry thinks Louis is incredibly brave, to make an attempt, that he’s trying. Harry sees it in those blue eyes he’s sure shined a lot brighter before the dullness clouded over. He knows Louis doesn’t want to be scared, he knows Louis wants to give him a chance.

And for that Harry’s incredibly thankful and he’s so, so proud of Louis.

So even when he wants to kiss Louis senseless, even when all he wants to do is hold Louis hand , feel the warmth radiating into his skin, he just bites back- he won’t be the one to push Louis further, no, he can’t. Not when Harry is sure, positively sure that he’s falling for Louis.

So he’ll wait. Patiently for Louis, to find him on his own and Harry will be there right there at that moment.

And now when he’s at Louis’s door, he yearns to just lean down and kiss Louis. Not much, just a peck on his cheek but he holds back. Louis looks up at him in and for the first time in all of the time he’s known Louis Harry sees a glimmer of light. It’s not much, just a feeble spark but Harry is so fucking happy.

So, Harry decides as his heart  does cartwheels inside his chest that the kisses can wait.

Of course they can, what he has right now is so much sweeter.

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