Untitled Larry Fluff

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This is 1,372 words of pure fluff. I have no idea what has come over me,and I just can't  get a good title for this, so this fic shall be called 'untitled' Larry fluff ' until I actually come up with a good title...
hope this makes some sense..  *^▁^*



The thing is Louis isn’t the kind of person who lets anything get to him, he just doesn’t get affected. But Louis knows he’s fucked when he sees Harry that day in the café. He’s fucked because he’s forgotten about the test he has the next day, he’s fucked because he’s forgotten about the half-done essay- the one which he has been postponing for about two weeks- and Liam in front of him. He’s fucked because God those eyes are beautiful.

“What?’ Liam’s voice cuts sharply through Louis’s green eyes, plump lips, curly hair and long, long legged fantasy.

It takes Louis a few seconds to just focus back on reality and on Liam who’s staring confusedly at him.

“What did you say?” Liam repeats again, clearly catching on that Louis hadn’t heard a word earlier.

“I think that’s a good line,” Louis splutters out, hoping the mush that has suddenly replaced his brain would start working.

“For the test?” Liam asks cautiously and Louis thinks he could kiss Liam for helping him out unknowingly and Louis nods along.

“You think ‘God those eyes are beautiful’ is a good line for a test on changing economic patterns in third world countries?”


“I meant for the essay,” Louis doesn’t even know what he’s saying. Liam looks at him strangely and puts down the book he’s been reading.

“Lou, you were going to put that line in your economics essay?” Liam is biting his lips to keep himself from laughing and all Louis does is a slap a hand to his mouth and groan.

Liam chuckles and Louis slams his head against the table (not too hard, though), it’s ridiculous because all Louis still wants to do is to stare at the boy again. Now, Louis likes guys, has liked guys since a long time and has had his share of boyfriends, but this isn’t something that always happens to him. Hell, it’s never happened to him before.

“Harry!” Liam calls out and Louis burrows his head further into the crook of his arms, he doesn’t want to talk to anyone, but Liam has other plans. He hits Louis on his head and Louis snaps his head up with an annoyed “What the hell?”

“You want something?” Liam asks, completely unaffected by Louis’s outburst. Louis glances at his empty coffee mug and looks up at the guy standing at their table and Louis thinks he has just stopped breathing.

He’s even more breath-taking up close, and Louis can see the way his hair frames his face, the way his eyes glint with a hint of hazel in the sunlight and those lips. Delicate and pink, and Louis wants to just press his lips against that mouth and maybe-

“Another latte?” and Louis thinks that’s the sexiest rasp he’s ever heard. He nods slightly and the boy-Harry- Louis knows his name now, smiles at them and leaves. Louis slams his head against the table again while Liam, who had been watching the entire spectacle, breaks out into loud laughter.

For once, Louis doesn’t have anything to say.


It’s ridiculous, Louis reasons as he drops his bag by his usual seat  at the café. He’s here again at the café, like always. Harry is at the counter and from his vantage point Louis can see the way Harry smiles at the customers, way those large hands pass coffee cups and muffins and whatnot. Harry is like the paintings Zayn has hanging up in his apartment- fluid and beautiful, and Louis can’t help feeling this tightening in his chest every time he glances at Harry.

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