Itty-bitty piece of sunshine

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There's that familiar fear,the familiar panic that grips him as he wakes up.He tries to not think the same thing everyday but it starts like clockwork - hurtshurtshurtspleasemakeitstoppleaseplease. So he stays in bed for a little while, eyes scrunched up tight and tries to breathe like everyday.

But then he feels it as bedspread shifts and then he feels the familiar touch. He leans into the touch almost instinctively, eyes still shut,breathing in the scent of the apple body wash they share and then that subtle scent of pine that's become home.

That's become his to call his own.

There are words being whispered, softly as they lay together with their limbs entangled as the sun streams in through the window. So he listens like everyday, lets the warmth seep into his skin, and it's a little better.

There are days when it's too much, when the voices are little too loud and when it feels like he will never be safe. But then he feels the soothing touch, the way their hands fit together seamlessly,and when those gentle kisses pressed in staccato beats against his own are enough then.

So as he stays still with his eyes still shut listening to the soft lullaby the whispers create, somewhere between the constant ithurtsithurtsithurts he feels a little better.

His own itty-bitty piece of sunshine.

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