To the edge of all we've ever known

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“It’s ridiculous, Haz,” Louis says with a laugh as he watches Harry literally dance around the giant teddy bear. The sun’s just setting and the pier is bathed in a dull orange light.


“Are you saying that you’re shit at darts?” Harry teases, smug smile firmly placed. He takes a step forward and Louis is once again struck by the fact that Harry is so beautiful and he blanks out for a few seconds till he’s snapping back to reality.


“I’d watch that mouth if I were you, Styles,” Louis bumps his hip against Harry’s before sauntering over to the stall and paying the money and if he swayed his hips just a little more no needs to know.


--- ---


They’re down by the beach, the sand slipping through their toes as they walk, hands loosely linked but just enough that Louis can feel Harry’s warmth radiate into his skin. Suddenly Harry is pulling him towards the waves, and Louis just about saves himself from faceplanting into the sand.


“I think you’ve had too much of that cotton candy,” Louis says once they are standing in ankle-deep water, the water is cold and Louis doesn’t know how long he can stay standing like this.


“I’m not high!” Harry protests, his face settling into an adorable pout, the moonlight slanting across his skin and Louis finds himself asking, “Can I kiss you?”


Harry freezes the same instant Louis tightens his hold on Harry’s hand like some sort of reflex action. The sound of the waves crashing is suddenly much too loud in his ears and he thinks he might have ruined it all.


“I thought you’d never ask,” Harry says so quietly that Louis thinks he hasn’t heard him correctly but when he gathers up his courage to look at Harry he sees the smile on Harry’s face and then he’s leaning towards Harry, the sound of the waves disappearing altogether as their lips meet halfway.


--- ----


Louis stands in ankle –deep water, his jeans soaked and his threadbare t-shirt doing nothing to ward off the night chill. The sound of the waves crashing is incredibly loud and Louis stands there for a long, long time, trying to block the sound of the waves, trying to feel the way those lips felt against his own.


The waves are still loud as ever.


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Title from Kiss Me Slowly by Parachute-






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