Darling I'll be loving you till we're seventy

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( Title from Ed Sheeran's Thinkng Out Loud)

Sometimes Louis wonders if he is doing it right. Like the times when he thinks that he should be surprising Harry with flowers more often,or when he thinks that he and Harry should go for more holidays together.

But then Harry just kisses him softly until he stops his rambling and then Louis realizes that he isn't doing that bad after all.

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Looking after three kids wasn't easy, Louis knew that.But then he and Harry could swear its the easiest thing they could have ever done.

Louis thinks it's poetry- the way Harry juggles Isabel, their three year old screaming at the top of her voice and Ryan, their eldest at six happily chattering away about how he's sure that he could look after a snake if daddies brought him one.

Louis smiles as he shifts Dylan, their youngest in his arms before he makes his appearance in the kitchen and that causes the entire kitchen to fall silent at that.

Just for a moment,though.

Isabel begins screaming even more louder, this time her hands reaching out towards Louis, while Ryan immediately smiles widely at him and tells him that 'Dada Harry doesn't mind him having a snake as a pet' while Harry drawls out a 'Heyyyy' at that.

It takes a while until Isabel calms down and Ryan goes to the living room to pout as Louis and Harry  explain to him that a snake couldn't be really brought into their house and maybe they could settle for a goldfish? ( that was Louis's idea,Harry had suggested a dog)

Dylan sleeps peacefully through it all.

'Hey,' Harry greets once the kitchen is just the three of them (Isabel had been given a conciliatory peanut butter sandwich before going off to play with her dolls).

'Busy day?' Louis cranes his head to kiss Harry,who wraps his arms around Louis from behind.It's gentle and slow and like they have been doing it forever (well, it's been seven years).

Louis feels the same slow spark start inside him every time they kiss and Harry just smiles at him fondly before he pulls away and starts to rattle pots and pans ( quietly though, Dylan didn't appreciate being waken unceremoniously from his naps), getting ready to make dinner.

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The kids are asleep,and Louis is lying on the bed,gripping the sheet tightly with white knuckles as Harry does that delicious thing with his tongue again. Louis thinks he's being stretched taut as Harry continues his relentless efforts against Louis's sensitive rim.It doesn't take too long - just as he feels Harry's long finger breach him- before he's clenching and his orgasm is crashing over him in a tidal wave.

When Louis can actually feel his limbs he weakly pushes Harry down on the bed and then proceeds to give him a sloppy blowjob (Harry loves it if the tight grip he has on Louis 's hair is any indicator ) and he brings Harry to the edge as he deepthroats him.

Later when they are lying a sweaty,loose-limbed mess on the bed, Louis's arm curls around Harry's waist and pulls him closer and Harry nuzzles into Louis's neck- his breath warm and reassuring against Louis's cooling skin.

'I love you,' Harry whispers, voice slurring with sleep and Louis smiles that same stupid, fond smile as he hears that and he whispers, ' I love you more' as he places a kiss to Harry's forehead.

It's times like these that Louis thinks that they are doing perfectly well.

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(not edited)

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