You're my bright blue sky, you're the sun in my eyes

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Title from Be My Forever by Christina Perri and Ed Sheeran


On a principle Harry did not go on blind dates.

But he’s here was - in front of the tiny bistro which Louis had told him about.

Louis, Louis with the blue eyes, Louis with the prettiest and sexiest arse Harry had ever seen on a guy, Louis with those sinful cheekbones, Louis Tomlinson the guy Harry had met the night before at the club.

Harry wanted to run away and wait at the same time.

Another painful 5 minutes later and Harry is ready to bolt when he sees Louis walking crossing the street and fuck.

Louis is, he is so beautiful with his feathery hair framing his face perfectly and his blue eyes seem to shine so much brighter in the sun than the flickering lights in the club, and he’s wearing glasses.

Harry likes guys who wear glasses, like really likes.

Oh, Louis is wearing skinnies- Harry likes that too.

Yes, he does.

---- ---- ----

Louis smiles wide and he’s hugging Harry so easily that Harry just stands there like a piece of wood, his hands limply hanging by his side. It’s not like he’s averse to hugging people, Harry is a very touchy person- Niall could go on a day long rant about the number of times he’s had to physically pry Harry off him (Niall isn’t one to cuddle and stuff, Harry’s determined to change that)- but this, Louis is new and he doesn’t know quite what to do.

Louis doesn’t say anything about the world’s most awkward-est hug and Harry feels relief circulate through his body when he sees Louis’s smile hasn’t dimmed even a little.

(Harry wants to trace Louis’s lips then-it’s a mini struggle)

“After you,” Louis says with a flourish as he opens the door and Harry smiles as steps inside, instantly liking the place with its graffiti covered walls and the comfortable ambience.

“Loueh!”  A dark-haired guy who looks like he has just walked out of photo-shoot waves at Louis from the counter and Harry feels a tiny stab of jealousy spike through him.

“Zee!” Louis calls out equally loud as weaves through the tables towards the counter, Harry following close behind.

“Zayn meet Harry,” Louis says and Harry smiles tentatively at the guy in front of him. Zayn is assessing him coolly, “So you’re the mystery guy Lou was gushing about yesterday?”

“Um,” Harry says intelligently and damn, he’s proud he even made a sound.  Louis was gushing about him?

“Don’t listen to him, curly,” Louis cuts in, his cheeks flushed and Harry smiles stupidly wide at the name Louis has given him which is alarming because Harry knows the guy for a total of one night and he isn’t supposed to be happy about absolutely normal, harmless nicknames given to him by people he hardly knows.

But he is.

Zayn is Louis’s best friend and also ex-boyfriend, “We realized that we were better off as friends,” Louis explains and Harry feels that tiny stab of jealously sizzle a little more. They place their orders and Harry giggles (he’ll deny that ever happened) when his plate of French toast is placed in front of him.

“I like French toast,” he says sheepishly as Louis watches him in amusement.

Harry has never laughed this hard in his life, and Louis now knows that he snorts when he laughs too hard and he wants to be a singer. Harry knows that Louis is afraid of rabbits, and he and Zayn run the bistro they’re currently at.

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