Coffee shops

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Louis thinks Harry’s too much of a hipster.

Harry thinks that Louis looks too pretty and gorgeous to be real.

Louis thinks that Harry’s got the prettiest eyes he’s ever seen.

Harry thinks that Louis is just fucking  beautiful.

Louis thinks he likes Harry maybe a little too much.

Harry’s sure he’s head over heels for Louis.

Louis thinks a coffee shop is terrible for a first date- he would have preferred a day out.

Harry thinks the coffee shop was a terrible idea.

Louis doesn’t know quite what to say when they’re at the beach (the coffee shop and the disgustingly horrible coffee it served long forgotten).

Harry doesn’t know quite what to say when he kisses Louis on his cheek- quick and rushed.

They don’t know quite when it happens-  they’re kissing slow and gentle, lips slotting against each other’s perfectly.

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The coffee shop still serves bad coffee but they don't mind-it's where all it started after all.

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thoughts? :)

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