Lost in you

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So lost was I in your eyes,
I forgot the world around us.
So beautiful was your voice,
I didn’t hear the voices, I didn’t hear the questions.
Your skin like porcelain, so soft to touch,
You drew me into your light.
Words seemed meaningless,
When our hearts were one.
You made me believe that I could love fearlessly,
That you could be mine.
The world whispered, they questioned,
But so lost in each other, we forgot them again…
We pretended that we didn’t see, didn’t hear.
Louder they grew, more clearer they become,
We couldn’t escape them now.
So we tried to lose ourselves again…
Pretend that we still couldn’t see or hear them.
But the cracks began spreading, slowly,
The thread stretching tight…
We could have still lost ourselves in each other,
We could have still pretended…
But we didn’t, we let ourselves go,
Lost in the sea of questions and accusations.
We drifted apart, bridges burning away,
Just shattered memories around us…
We could have...
We could have loved a little more,
Just a little more

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