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September 3rd, 2016


Dear Jen,

Today was neither better nor worse. Everything was fine mentally wise, but physically? A sudden sore throat, and all the neck, back and head pain you can dream up XD fun stuff

Dark and I were together most of the day, which was nice. The only time he got upset today was at ms, for a good reason. There are collectibles within the game, and most of them are hidden in places that are hard to get to. I'm really bad at getting to those places, and it's really embarrassing to me when I mess up. So he wanted me to try and get one, and he's like, 'Mint! It's really not as difficult as you're making it out to be.  Just jump up here like you watched me do. This is actually really bugging me." But just like the whole 'speech problem' thing, no matter how easy it really is, I can't seem to make myself do it. So he didn't talk to me for a while, and I probably deserved it. I don't know why it embarrasses me so much, but it would be good if I could actually get it right XD

Nothing much else happened. Mom, Shelley and I played Clue, so that was kinda fun.

I'm scared for school ): I put the comforter back on my bed just a little while ago, and I couldn't breathe when I was done XD how am I supposed to get through a whole day of school?

I hope you had a good day, and I hope you have a good Sunday tomorrow! Love you!


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