Chapter 5

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Once Joo Dee finally left us alone, Katara got me settled in the living room to sleep. 

"I hope this is alright" she spoke as she set out another blanket. "This is more than enough" I spoke weakly before sitting down on the blankets. "Alright, well I'm in the next room over so if you need me" she smiled before walking off. 

I laid back on the small couch. I felt tears prickle through my eyes and sliding down my cheeks. Most of my life had been a worry of not making it in with enough gold now I have to worry about being burned to death. 

I pulled my knees up to my chest, who knew what other lies I had been told. I tried to hold in a sob but it came out as a whimper. This news overwhelmed me, it took me over.

"Mika?" a voice whispered. 

I slowly looked up, urging to see who it was. There in the dark stood Aang, a look of worry on his face. "Yeah?" I croaked, my voice cracking.

He quickly walked forward and sat down. "I know what you're feeling" he whispered, looking down into his lap "I'm supposed to be an old man, around 100 years old, but here I am, still a kid" he whispered.

"I got stuck in ice and stayed there for decades, well until Sokka and Katara found me" he spoke, his voice little. "Since I was in the ice, my people were wiped out and the war started"

I placed a hand on his shoulder, hoping it would help him. "When they freed me, I had no clue of the war...or what happened to my people" he sighed before pulling a hand up towards his wet eyes.

"Well, what do you need to do to win the war?" I asked. "Well, we found a place in a desert, where we were able to find a way to defeat the Fire Nation. It's an eclipse, that blocks out the power of fire bending." he explains.

"That's amazing" I gleam.

"Yeah, we don't quite know what we'e gonna do but we'll think of something." Aang sighs. "So you're not gonna stay here?" I blurted out.

"We only really came here for my Bison and to tell the King" Aang whispered pulling his own legs up towards his chest.

"So what happens when you find your Bison?" I ask, hoping they wouldn't leave, they couldn't.

"Well, once we find Appa, we can go anywhere we want to." Aang explains quietly.

"Wow." I spoke speechless. 

"You know Mika, you can always come with us" Aang spoke softly. I opened my mouth to say I wanted to but he beat me to it. "You can decide later, right now you're confused and hurt" he promised as he stood up.

"Thank you Aang" I whispered looking up at him. He bent down and quickly embraced me in a warm hug. It wasn't a pity hug, more of an understanding. "Goodnight Mika" he smiled before going back to his room.

I sighed laying back in bed trying to close my eyes. But I couldn't.

So much filled my mind. What was I going to do when the time came for Sokka, Katara, Toph and Aang to leave? Would I leave with them? Or would I stay here where my every move will be watched.

My life had been nothing but work and trying to survive. All I did was wake up, go to the market, face costumers all day, go home and go to bed. Then I wake up and do it all over again. It was forced and stressed, I wasn't able to relax or do what I wanted to do. I didn't want to do this all my life.

If I went with the group, I would be able to live my life. No rules, no worries, well maybe the war but I could enjoy life. I already like Katara, Sokka, Aang and Toph, maybe some more than others. The only downside to going with them was leaving behind my parents.

Even if all they care about is being successful, that's normal. But it would be painful for both me and them. But they would have to understand. Right? Parents want the best for their children, even if they have to leave.

The thoughts exhausted me, causing me to lay back and slowly close my eyes. Right before I fell asleep, I felt a blanket wrap over my body and a hand brushed against my hair.


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