Chapter 41

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The ride to the city is terrifying, yet exhilarating.

"Are you ready?" Aang asks, his voice determined.

"I am, I'll make it quick and I'll meet you and help you if you need it, or you find me" I say before taking a deep breath.

Suddenly, we pass by the volcano and inside is the city.

"The prison is over there" I point, causing the glider to shift into that direction.


Once we land on a roof, Aang looks at me "Stay safe Mika".

"You too Aang, last time we had a battle, we both got hurt." I said grimly remembering our accidents.

"I'll see you soon" he smiled dryly before turning and taking off.

Turning around, I took in a deep breath as I jumped from the roof. My earth covered feet slammed into the ground, giving me the vibrations of the area around me.

The prison was built into the volcano wall, giving it an creepy vibe. Long Feng would be kept in a metal cell, which shouldn't be so hard to find. Closing my eyes, I took step upon step towards the prison. With each step I saw the layout of the prison. Right when I got to the last floor, where a metal type material appeared, a bomb went off in the distance.


I took a breath and marching towards the metal doors. I angrily gripped the doors with my fists, and ripped it from the hinges. Before throwing it aside, I looked up, the eclipse hasn't started so I needed armor. So I pushed the material to my body, making armor.

"Hey! What are you?!" an angry guard yelled out before firebending.

The fire merely made my armor hotter but no damage. So I shot up my hands, causing earth to entrap the guard. "I'd suggest not struggling, makes this worse" I grumbled before walking off.

Luckily, many of the guard that saw me, ran off in fear, which gave me more energy.

"Halt!" a dark voice growled making me turn around. There, stood a large and buff guard.

He instantly shot fire at me, causing the metal around me to heat up. Slowly feeling my skin burn, I ripped off the metal before glaring at the man.

"You're from the Earth Kingdom!" he growled, fire fuming from his fists.

"And you're from the Fire Nation! Big whoop" I shot back before grabbing the earth under me with my hands and twisting it. This caused the ground to swallow the man's feet. "Hey! You can't do this!" he growled before shooting fire at me.

Widening my eyes, I shot up a wall of earth, blocking the fire.

Clenching my fists, the wall imploded, turning sand. Smirking, I shot it at his face, blinding him. And before he could even shoot again, I attached the sand to his fists before turning it into rock again.

Turning, I ran down the hall, leaving the man behind. 


After a little bit more of searching, I found a metal cell. 

Taking in a breath, I slammed my hands to the material before yanking it from it's hinges.

Walking in, a few torches lit up the cell, but I knew the man in the cell: Long Feng.

His hair was out of it's braid and strung all over him, but he still had his horrible scowl. His eyes however looked at me with wonder "Mika?!".

"Long Feng" I warned glaring at him as he stood up.

"How did you do that? Are you here to get me out? I KNEW you'd join me" he jumbled.

"No." I growled placing my hands onto his bars. "I came to get answers and you better make it fast". His eyes then shifted to my arm " I see, instead of going to prison, the princess scared you" Long Feng smirked.

"At least if I were thrown into prison, I could bend my way out" I shot back before gripping the bars. "What. Happened. To. My. Parents." I gritted.

"Simple" Long Feng snarled "I got rid of them"

I instantly turned away before holding a hand to my mouth to stop Long Feng from hearing my sob. I came to see if they were alive, if somehow he had them hidden. But he didn't, he killed them. They're gone. 

"Is that all you're here for?" he asked.

I turned around shoving my face into the cell, anger rushing through me "I came to break you out, I wanted to have a family, but now I know I won't. You're a power hungry monster that doesn't care about anyone, not even his child." I spat. "Well guess what? You don't need to worry about me anymore because I'm leaving this horrid place and I'm never coming back. You can rot for all I care!"

I turned around and slammed the metal back onto the door to enter his cell and I left.

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