Chapter 16

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"Thank goodness you're alright" I sighed hugging Katara. 

"It's good to see you two" she smiled before embracing Aang into another hug. Looking over Katara's shoulder, I spotted Iroh who was just letting go from Zuko.

"Listen, if you push me out of another building, I'll waterwhip you so hard you won't be able to walk" Saki growled before embracing Zuko as well.

Iroh looks at the three of us "You three go! Go find your friends, we won't be far behind". I look at Saki, who gives a firm nod. I turn, and follow Katara and Aang out of the 'cell'. 

"We've got to find Sokka and Toph." Katara calls as we run. 

Suddenly I hear a hiss and Aang shoves be him as he brings up a wall just as a blue bolt of electricity slams into it. My eyes follow the smoke trail and fall on a young girl who looks like Zuko. Her face, her eyes scare me almost instantly, but I have to move. "Azula!" Aang grumbles before blocking another bolt.

She shoots another bolt at Katara, in which she uses waterbending to block it. Azula jumps forward but before she lands, I shoot out uneven ground, hoping to knock her down. But she notcing it and shoots fire from her feet to propel her between Katara, Aang and I.

Before she can attack, I see a glimpse of red fire, causing me to lift a rock and shoot it at the bender.  Zuko quickly dodges the rock and shoots fire at me and Aang.

I gasp as the fire barely misses my body.  But Zuko runs past me as he has his sights on one person: Aang. I turn my head and I see Katara fighting with Azula who is pounding fire onto her waterwalls. 

I crush rocks around me, causing a wave of sand to crash down onto Azula. She quickly arises from it, anger fuming off of her. Instantly , she jumps, twirls and kicks fire at me, but with each blast, with each dodge, I get closer and closer.

When I'm in arms reach of her, I grab her metal boot before bending it in an awkward position and even ripping a piece out. The girl looks down at what I've done in shock. "I don't know what kind of thing you are, but maybe you should go sleep with the rocks!" she hisses before making a blue fire whip.

She latches it onto my left arm, the hot rope going up almost to my shoulder. This pain was worse than finding out Long Feng was my father, or that my parents were dead. This pain consumed me, and gnawed at my skin.

I don't know if my next move was idiotic or smart. I grabbed the base of the whip, causing me to scream out in more pain as I yanked the girl on the ground. 

"You little peasant!" Azula hisses before retracting the whip, causing it to retrace the damage. I let out another scream as I fell backwards. I heard the sound of water, air, earth and fire clash around me, but I couldn't move.

"Mika!" I heard a voice yell, maybe Aang but I watched Azula trace through my eyes as she went towards the voice.

"I thought you changed!" another voice called, anger lacing through it. "I have changed!" a dark voice growled before I heard a hiss.

I had to get up. 

So I slowly started to get up and horror crossed my face as I took in the scene. Dai Li agents now began to surround Katara along with Zuko, Azula and more agents surround Aang, who looked around scared.

I stepped forward, trying to ignore the pain in my arm as I used my feet to push the men aside with bending. "Hey!" one growled before turning from Katara and grabbing my burnt arm. Hissing, I shot a rock right as his face.

Suddenly a bright light busts through the room. Turning, I see Aang, his arrows and eyes glowing in a dangerous matter as he rises in the air. Katara looks happy as I quickly make it to her side. 

Then, another flash of light goes through the room and Aang's body begins to fall. "No!" Katara screams before grabbing my good hand and lifting us on a wave. She continues to carry us until she can grab Aang, who is unconscious.

"This...can't be happening!" I stutter before a few tears fall from my eyes.

"Oh it is" a voice sneers, causing me to look at Azula and Zuko who prepare to end things. My eyes widen but I shift myself in front of the crying water tribe girl and the the burnt Avatar. 

"Over. My. Dead. Body." I growl, causing Zuko's eyes to soften. "We'll dig one hole" Azula warns before raising her hand to strike. Suddenly another blast of fire comes in between us. I turn and I see Iroh, who looks at Aang in fear and then me, in worry.

"You've got to get out of here! I'll hold them off as long as I can!" Iroh screams before blasting another ball of fire. "We can't leave you! I won't leave you!" I shout as Katara begins to walk with Aang. 

"I said get out of here NOW" Iroh growls before facing off with his family.

I nod and run after Katara who is now at a waterfall. Tears fall down her face as she slowly rises her and Aang into the air. I quickly use my good arm and make a small rock pillar to boost myself out.

Once we're out, Katara looks frantically for Appa, Toph or Sokka.

"Where are they? Aang needs to be healed!" she shouts as tears fall from her face. I look around in the sky before spotting a white dot. "There!" I shout before waving my good arm in the air.

Katara smiles slightly but her face is still covered with tears once Appa lands.

"What happened?!" Sokka yells as he jumps from Appa and runs toward Aang. "Just get me on Appa and I can heal him" Katara snaps as she hands Aang to The Earth King before boosting herself up.

Sokka then turns to me "Oh my spirit, Mika what happened to you?!". I look down at my arm, my body feeling light. 

"I..I just got.." I start before blackness overtakes me like a wave.

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