Chapter 27

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Okay so I said you shouldn't expect chapters for awhile but I stopped puking long enough for me to write this so ENJOY!!!!! Oh god I'm sorry if this chapter sucks firenuts.

After cleaning the river, we continued on Sokkas plan before the invasion.

Over our few days in the sky, Sokka and I told the rest of the group about us, making Katara announce she won the bet.

After days of small tree nuts and staying in the clouds, Toph convinced the others to have us land. And to be frank, I needed a little earth time as well.

At the moment, we all laid on the ground and looked up into the sky as meteors shot through the air. My fingers met with Sokka's and gave a squeeze, causing him to smile.

"Wow, this is amazing to watch." Katara says, her eyes open with amazement. 

"Kind of makes you realize how insignificant we are." Sokka smirks. "Sokka!" I growl before smiling. "Eh, you've seen nothing once, you've seen it a thousand times." Toph sighs before a meteor comes closer to earth.

"Wow" I gasp as the others who can see rise and look in shock. 

"Oh man, you've never not seen anything like this." Sokka smiles as we all stand. Suddenly, the meteor flies overhead before crashing into the earth.

The vibrations shake throughout my body, giving me a burst of energy, causing me to close my eyes as it goes throughout my body.

When I open my eyes, we're in the air, right over the rock.

"The fire is gonna destroy that town!" Katara shouts. "Not if we can stop it!" Aang assures as Katara jumps from the flying beast. "There's a creek over here. I'll bend the water onto the fire." Katara assures.

Not falling behind, Appa lands, causing the rest of us to jump from Appa's back.

"Toph! Let's make a trench to stop the fire from spreading!" Aang yells before rushing off with Toph. "Mika! Can you try and crush the rock to sand?" Katara yelled.

I quickly rush and look at the rock.It was black as coal, yet it emitted an energy that made me feel...alive. Yet, flames surrounded the rock, making me unable to touch the rock.

"What should I do?" Sokka calls. Aang and Toph freeze and look at each other. "Watch Momo!" Aang calls, causing Sokka to frown.

I wanted to console him but I needed to stop this fire. "Katara! Spray some water here?" I called and she nodded before splashing water onto the rock before turning back to her own job.

I sighed, before placing my hand onto the meteor and closing my eyes. Suddenly Long Feng's face appeared into my mind, along with my mother. "You hid her from me!" he cried, anger and sadness mixed through him. "You hid everything from me Long Feng!" she spat back before turning.

Before he could respond, the cackling of the Fire Nation Princess spun through the air, before the scene before me burned like my arm.

"Mika!" Sokka called, bringing me back to the world.

"Huh?" I questioned before looking at the rock. The fire was out but a deep imprint of my hand was smashed into it. Around us, snow fell, probably from Katara or Aang.

"What happened?" he asked, worry covering his face. Shoot. I had forgotten I never told him nor his sister of my parents. By now he must think I left them behind, or he's forgotten them with everything else going on.

"I saw Long Feng" I spoke, telling half the truth. We couldn't solve these problems as we were hundreds upon thousands of miles from where Long Feng was kept. All I want is this feeling, this horrible feeling of being his child removed from my skin, my mind and my heart.

"He's probably locked away in some Fire Nation Prison" Sokka spoke before wrapping his arms around me. I rested my chin onto his shoulder, but thoughts drifted from his warm embrace, they drifted to which prison, and which cell he was locked up in. 

"Good work, everybody." Aang smiled walking over to Sokka and I.


The next day, all five of us went into town to find something to eat.

"These people have no idea how close they were to getting toasted last night." Aang spoke before joining us at an outdoor table. "Yeah, the worst thing about being in disguise is that we don't get the hero worship anymore. I miss the love." Toph sighed dramatically.

"Boo-hoo, poor heroes" Sokka snorts sarcastically before turning away. "Sokka" I whisper trying to look at him but he averts my gaze.

"What's your problem? You haven't even touched your smoked sea slug." Katara asks.

"It's just, all you guys can do this awesome bending stuff like putting out forest fires, and flying around and  making other stuff fly around. I can't fly around, okay? I can't do anything."

"That's not true. No one can read a map like you." Katara points out. "I can't even read!" Toph exclaims tipping back her chair.

"Yeah, and who keeps us laughing with sarcastic comments all the time? I mean, look at Katara's hair, right? What's up with that?" Aang laughs trying to be sarcastic.

While Katara grips her hair and Aang flusters himself to death I turn to Sokka.

"And no one can make me laugh as much as you do Wang Fire" I smile, but it only brings a small smile to his lips.

"Look, I appreciate the effort, but the fact is each of you is so amazing and so special and I'm ... not. I'm just the guy in the group who's regular." Sokka sighs pulling away from me.

"Sokka, just because you can't bend, doesn't mean you're not special and amazing" I say, causing Katara to add on "I'm sorry you're feeling so down but I hope you know, none of us see you that way.  I know something that's going to make you feel better. "

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