Chapter 25

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Attention! Thank you so MUCH for almost 1000 reads!! Also, which some chapters, I'm going to be skipping around because either there isn't much to put my own ideas in and I don't want an episode that isn't really important to my book to take up almost 3 chapters.

"Sokka" I mumble as he pulls his head away slightly.

"That was amazing" he sighs but before he can say anymore, Katara, Momo, Toph and Aang come rushing from the cave. "We gotta go!" Toph grumbled before earthbending herself onto Appa.

Katara and Aang also get on, leaving Sokka and I to get on. "Come on slow pokes!" Katara calls. Sokka quicklys helps me onto Appa before sitting next to me.

"Yip Yip!" Aang calls, causing Appa to fly off into the sky.

"We're safe Sokka, you can take off the mustache now." Katara laughs as Sokka starts to stroke his beard. "Oh, no I can't. It's permanently glued to my skin." Sokka laughs. "Yeah, I tried pulling it off" I mumble, causing Sokka to blush.

"Way to go, dancy pants. I think you really did help those kids, you taught them to be free." Toph claps.

"I don't know, it was just a dance party, that's all." Aang shrugs. "Well, that was some dance party Aang." Katara smiles before kissing Aang's cheek.

"Flamey-o sir, flamey-o." Sokka laughs before clapping. I smile and slowly grasp his hand.


 We stopped by a river and currently Sokka and I sat next to each other as he tried to fish.

"Sokka you haven't caught anything" I spoke, causing him to groan "It's not my fault I don't know how to catch these Fire Nation fish".

I smiled when all of the suddenly dirty water covered me from head to toe. "I think this river's polluted" Aang called. "No kidding!" I cry out in disgust.

Toph suddenly starts spitting the water out of her mouth. Aang, who looks guilty gushes us with air, which pushed the water off and causes our clothing to shoot upwards. While I fix my clothing Sokka starts speaking "Well that explains why I can't catch a fish around here, because normally my fishing skills are off the hook!" he laughs holding a hook. "Get it? Like a fishing hook?"

I smile at Sokka. "Too bad your skills aren't on the hook." Toph recalls, causing Aang and Katara to laugh. Sokka gives a face but I quickly press my lips to his while the Gaang is looking towards the river. "Mika!" Sokka whispered startled. "Sorry, couldn't help myself" I snicker before turning around.

"Hey, maybe we can get food there!" Aang points towards a village in the middle of the river. 


Once covering Appa, all five of us stand by the river when a man on a ferry appears.

"My name's Dock. Mind if I ask who you are?" the man smiles. "We're um ... from the Earth Kingdom colonies." Katara responds quickly. Luckily the man buys it. "Wow ... Colonials. Hop on, I give you ride in the town."

We all hop onto his ferry as we slowly ride towards the town. "Why do you guys live on the river?  " Katara asks, causing the man to explain. "Because we're a fishing town. At least that's how it was before the factory moved in.  Army makes their metal there. Moved in a few years ago and started gunking up our river. Now our little village is struggling to survive."

Soon enough, we reach the town "Thank you!" I smile as we get off. 

I look around and I spot people who are poor and sick. Most of them thin as paper. "Look at this place. It's so sad. We have to do something to help." Katara whispers.

"No, we can't waste our time here. We have a bigger mission that we need to stay focused on. These people are on their own." Sokka grumbles crossing his arms.

"Sokka! How could you be so cold!?" I snap glaring at him "These people are in trouble, what if it were your Tribe?!".

"This already was my Tribe Mika! We all stuck together and made it without help" he growled before turning his back from me. I looked down, sadness washing over me. "These people are starving! But you'd turn your back on them?" Katara snaps putting her hands onto her hips.

" I'm not turning my back, I'm just being realistic. We can't go around helping every rinky-dink town we wander into. We'll be helping them all by taking out the Fire Lord." Sokka growls.

Aang leads Toph to the three of us and she instantly slams her hand over Sokka and Katara's mouths.

"Hey, loud mouths! Maybe we should be a little quieter when we talk about "taking out the Fire Lord." Toph warns before pulling her hands away. 

"Come on, girls, be reasonable about this. You know our mission has to come first." Sokka sighs before looking up at me. 

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