Chapter 40

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I proudly pulled my Earth Kingdom clothes back on. I was sick of red, I was happy to wear the colors of my nation. Smiling, I took off the horrid Fire Nation shoes an left my feet bare.

While at the beach, I shot my hands out, causing rocks to cling to my hands and feet, forming boots and gloves like the Dai Li. 

Long Feng will be proud, well before I yell at him or slam his head into the concrete.

"Here" Toph spoke, handing me another belt that looked like the one wrapped around her. "Even though I can't see you, you deserve to beat the Fire Nation in style" she smiled.

"Thanks" I smiled before embracing her.


"You know, I forgot how good you look in green" Sokka spoke walking up behind me on the ship.

His outfit consisted of a dark blue spotted with white fur. Spirits I almost don't want to leave him.

"I remember the first time I saw you, I thought it was odd that you were wearing blue" I smiled. "But you learned to love it" Sokka smiled back before wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Please stay safe, I don't want you sporting red today" I mumbled looking up at him. Concern filled his eyes "I don't either, please make your visit short" he mumbled resting his head onto my shoulder.

"I will, promise" I spoke giving him a hard promise that I needed to keep.

"There they are, the Great Gates of Azulon." Hakoda called, forcing me to pull away from Sokka.

Ahead of us, laid two dragons made of gold and in the middle of the sea laid a gold statue of Firelord Azulon. "I don't see any gates" Katara spoke looking off in confusion.

"Katara, you and the swamp benders whip up a fog cover." Hakoda called, causing Katara and the other waterbenders to move to the sides of the ship. "We'll sneak by them statues just like we sneak by that Fire Navy blockade! " A swamp man laughed. With a rise of their hands, fog rose from the water, surrounding us.

"Keep it up, we're almost through!" Sokka's father yelled as we got closer to the 'gate'. Suddenly a bell rang loudly, causing nets to rise from the waters. And if that wasn't hard enough, fire spat from them, causing the net to become hot and dangerous.

"Everyone below deck!" Hakoda yells, causes everyone to run below deck. Sokka quickly grips my hand and pulls me with him and his father below deck. "Let's see if your invention works" Hakoda smiles at Sokka as we go below deck.

Once we're below deck, we enter the small water submarine that's hidden under the boats.

My eyes widen as we go below the surface.

The waterbenders quickly move to the sides of the craft and started to waterbend, propelling us forward.

Instantly, a sickness washed over me, and I could tell it hit Toph too, as she leans against the wall with a green face.

I sit down, watching as the men praise Sokka for his idea. But before I can hear it, Toph yells "Yeah, congratulations, Sokka. You managed to invent a worse way of travel than flying"

The Duke, a small boy next to us hands Toph his helmet, to which she pukes in. "Pass it over" I almost yell out before taking the vomit filled helmet and throwing up.

After throwing up, I lean my head against the submarine. This was it, this war would be over, the lies would stop, and this constant pain would end. 


Fresh air fills my lungs as we surface for air. After this, it would be time for battle, Aang and I would take off on his glider and we would head towards the city.

"So, this is it huh?" Aang asks as we stand on the death trap.

"Are you ready for the Fire Nation to know the Avatar is alive?" Sokka asks, putting his hand onto his shoulder. "I'm ready" Aang smiles as we all enter a hug.

"I hope you kick some serious Fire Lord butt, Twinkle Toes." Toph laughs.

"Everyone listen up. The next time we resurface, it'll be on the beaches. So stay alert, and fight smart. Now break times over, back in the subs." Hakoda calls, making everyone leave but Sokka, Aang, Katara and I.

While Aang and Katara talk, I turn to Sokka.

I instantly embrace him tightly, along with taking a big sniff of his scent. "I love you so much Mika" Sokka mumbles into my ear as he kisses the side of my head. "I love you too Sokka, and don't you forget it" I laugh dryly before looking at him.

"I'll be on Appa when you get back, I'll have a spot just for you" he explained before pressing a kiss to my lips. Pulling away I see Aang, who is next to us.

"We gotta go!" he says before grabbing my arm and suddenly we're in the air.

"Aang!" I growl as I cling to his glider as we sail into the air.

I slowly look back, trying to get one last glance of Sokka, but all I see is water.

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