Chapter 59

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I would like to thank EVERYONE who has read, voted, commented and shared my story. You all are the CHAMPS. Finally, there will be another chapter after this THEN small chapters of Mika in her adult life.

After saying goodbye to the others, I was left with the members of the White Lotus.

With the comet just over an hour away, we all walked to reach where we were going to strike.

"So, I see you are also sporting the Water Tribe" Iroh smiles as we walk.

"Sokka gave it to me, I hope he's alright" I sigh as I feel the vibrations in the earth, no soldiers.

"Sokka and the others seem to be able to carry their own, but together, they are even more powerful" Iroh says, a smile playing on my lips.

"Are you ready?" he asks me, my fists clenching in determination.

"I'm ready to set my city free from the chains it has been trapped in" I say, making Iroh nod.

"We're here" Pakku says, making us stop. "And the comet almost is too" Bumi adds, my eyes looking to the sky, where red started to stain the clouds.

"Ba Sing Se, the Order of the White Lotus is here." Bumi says as we position ourselves. "Here to set you free" Pakku states as I step behind Iroh, who's eyes are closed.

"Only once every hundred years can a firebender experience this kind of power." Iroh says as he takes in a breath, causing a ring of fire to surround us. And with each breath, the fire grows and shrinks.

Suddenly, a rush of power shoots through my body. I feel more alert, more ready for this fight.

I take in a deep breath, and I fix my helmet. As Iroh takes in the power from the comet, I grab two pieces of earth and hold them in my hands.

Iroh then opens his eyes before forming a ball of fire. My eyes widen at the mere sight of such power. Pushing his arms forward, the ball slammed into the Outer Wall, causing the earth to fall.

Bumi then lifted his hands, causing the rocks below us to lift into the air and push us towards the city.

"Let us free Ba Sing Se!" I scream before slamming the two rocks together, causing dust to fall around me. The masters around me cheered as we neared the city.

The dust froze around me, almost holding me up.

"Stay safe Mika, and I'll see you once we get the city back" Iroh smiled before jumping off the rock.

Taking a breath, I rose my hands, causing me to lift into the air and oversee the wall of soldiers that wanted nothing more to burn me.

Smirking, I rose a pillar of rock into the air so I could stand on it. Once my feet made contact with it, I pushed my hands outward, the dust slamming into the men below. However, they quickly recovered, but I wasn't done.

Moving my hands in fast paced motions, the dust rose and kept slamming into the men like a wave, or a sandstorm.

The men cried out and tried to wipe it from their eyes, but it kept coming.

"You will not control these people anymore!" I called out as I lowered the dust.

"You will leave this city and leave it to the people of The Earth Kingdom!" I screamed before jumping from my pillar and towards the ground below.

Unlike my fit in the woods so long ago, I had power as my fists and feet slammed into the earth. The vibrations shaking the earth to make it crack ,making the men who still stood fall.

Suddenly a blast of fire shot past me, barely missing me. Looking up, my eyes glared at a tank as it quickly tried to fire again. Smirking, I jumped and pushed my hands forward, causing a small bump to rise from the ground. And as Toph did long ago, I pumped my arms forward, causing the earth to rise and fall like waves.

I pushed forward, sometimes boosting myself into the air as the wave crashed onto tanks. I pushed onward, destroying tank by tank. My eyes stayed trained on the road I destroyed, these were the roads that I walked on, that I made memories on. Pushing my memories aside, I jumped into the air again.

However, as I continued my attack, I heard a scream of a baby. My head jerked towards a house, where a soldier entered. Halting my hands, the wave died, and my feet pushed me towards the house.

"No! Please! Leave my baby alone!" the woman cried as the soldier held a small flame near the baby.

"The Earth Nation will fall, and we'll start with the next generation" the soldier snarled. The baby let out another wail of fear and pain, making my sight go red.

"Get. Out." I hissed, causing the soldier to turn and smile.

"Get back to your house little girl before you get another scar to match yours" the soldier smirked, causing me to clench my fists.

"How about you get out of my city and back to your nation? Oh wait! You're too busy sucking the Firelords behind" I sneer, causing the soldier to growl and walk forward, his hands shoving me.

"Who do you think you are?" he snarled, causing me to smirk.

Shifting my hands, I ripped the metal armor from his body, attaching it to my own. "I'm Mika Lee, the second earthbender to learn metalbending" I sneer "So your armor is useless"

My hand grabbed the soldier, who looked at me shocked. I stomped my foot, the earth kicking him out of the house.

Turning towards the family, I gave them a smile "Come with me, I can take you to safety".

The mother grabbed her child and her husband quickly followed as I led them out of the house.

A few soldiers walked up, but I quickly used earthbending to hold them to the ground.

Once I led them away from the direct battle, I dropped them off in a small teashop, where others were.

"Thank you Mika Lee" the woman spoke "You saved my baby, Hope".

"It's no problem ma'am" I spoke before a feeling washed over me.


He must be fine, right? He can't be hurt.

Taking in another breath, I used the dust to rise myself into the air, and my eyes looked for Iroh.

As I went around the city, I finally found him, at the palace where he burned the Fire Nation flag.

"Iroh!" I cried, making him turn around. As I lowered myself to the ground, he smiled. "Good to see you are alright Mika".

"Have we won?" I ask as the fire blasts slowly die around us.

"I think we have Mika, I think we've taken back the city" Iroh smiles as we walk to find the others.

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