Chapter 36

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After the rude awakening, Toph, Sokka, Aang and I trailed behind Katara and Hama.

I hold a sack of fruits over my shoulder, while Sokka uses his sword to hold baskets of food. Aang also has a sack slung over his shoulder and Toph balances a basket on her head.

"People disappearing in the woods, weird stuff happening during full moons? This just reeks of Spirit World shenanigans." Sokka grumbles as we walk. "I bet if we take a little walk around town, we'll find out what these people did to the environment to make the spirits mad." Aang says looking around.

Making a hand slice Sokka says "And then you can sew up this little mystery lickety-split, Avatar style!".

"Helping people ... that's what I do." Aang says proudly looking around.

"You know, I don't think there's a spirit here" I say, causes Aang and Sokka to look at me. "Why do you say that?" Aang asks. "I mean you're the Avatar, shouldn't you feel a spirit force or something?" I ask lowering my voice.

"Maybe, but that's the only lead we got" Sokka says as we join Hama and Katara.

"Why don't you take all those things back to the inn? I just have to run a couple more errands. I'll be back in a little while." Hama smiles, leaving Sokka to question her with "This is a mysterious little town you have here."

Hama's smile then turns into a creepy grin "Mysterious town for mysterious children."


"That Hama seems a little strange. Like she knows something, or she's hiding something." Sokka says once we're back at the inn.

"That's ridiculous. She's a nice woman who took us in and gave us a place to stay. She kinda reminds me of Gran-Gran." Katara says grabbing a cabbage.

"But what did she mean by that comment, "mysterious children"?" Sokka asks, looking at his sister in confusion.

"Gee, I don't know. Maybe because she found five strange kids camping in the woods at night? Isn't that a little mysterious?" Katara questions rolling her eyes.

"I'm gonna take a look around." Sokka says before going up the stairs. "Wait up!" I call before following Sokka. I had an odd feeling about Hama and I wanted answers.

"Sokka! Mika! What are you two doing? You can't just snoop around someone's house." Katara warns following us.

"It'll be fine" Sokka says waving his hand off before climbing more stairs.

"She could be home any minute." Aang says nervously.

"Sokka, you're gonna get us all in trouble and this is just plain rude!" Katara growls as Sokka tries to pull open a cupboard. I go to his side and I try to help him open the door.

"I'm not finished yet, come on" Sokka grunts and suddenly the door opens, revealing puppets held by their strings.

I let out a gasp of fear and Sokka pushes me behind him before poking them with his sword.

"Okay, that's pretty creepy" Aang states backing up. Katara quickly rushes forward and looks at the puppets with a weird face before shutting the cupboard.

"So she's got a hobby. There's nothing weird about that. Sokka, Mika, you two have looked enough. Hama will be back soon." Katara says angrily but Sokka slowly leads me to the attic, where a locked door stands.

"Just an ordinary puppet-loving innkeeper, huh? Well then why does she have a locked door up here?" Sokka asks accusingly.

"Probably to keep people like you from snooping through her stuff!" Katara hisses as Sokka looks through the lock hole.

"We'll see.It's empty, except for a little chest." Sokka says. "Maybe it's treasure!" Toph exclaims, causing Sokka's face to brighten, so he begins to try and unlock the door.

"Sokka, what are you doing? You're breaking into a private room!" Katara sneers. "Come on Sokka, unlock it!" I cheer, which results in a glare from Katara.

"I have to see what's in there" Sokka says as the door pops open.

"We shouldn't be doing this.." Aang states looking around.

"Well we're already doing it" I say to him as Sokka grabs the small box. "Maybe there's a key around here somewhere.." he says.

"Ooh! Hand it over!" Toph says taking off her space bracelet and making it into a key. She then shoves it into the keyhole and jiggles it around.

"Come on! Come on!" Sokka and I cheer around her.

"This isn't as easy as it looks" Toph warns. "Guys, I don't know about this" Aang says. "This is crazy! I'm leaving" Katara says.

"Suit yourself! Do it Toph!" Sokka says and suddenly it clicks. All five of us surround the box as we wait to see what's inside.

"I'll tell you what's in the box." Hama says behind us, making all of us beside Toph scream. 

Sighing, Sokka hands the woman her box, with a look of guilt on his face. Hama takes the box and opens it, revealing a comb. 

"An old comb?" I asked surprised.

"It's my greatest treasure. It's the last thing I own from growing up in the Southern Water Tribe." Hama says. My eyes instantly fall onto a shocked Katara and Sokka.

"You're from the Southern Water Tribe?" Katara asks.

"Just like you" Hama says smiling.

"How did you know?" Katara asks. "I heard you around your campfire" Hama says. "Why didn't you tell us? Sokka asks confused.

" I wanted to surprise you! I bought all this food today so I could fix you a big Water Tribe dinner. Of course, I can't get all the ingredients I need here, but ocean kumquats are a lot like sea prunes if you stew them long enough." Hama says smiling a big Water Tribe smile.

"Great.." Aang gags.

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