Chapter 47

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I LOVE when I can't write so I tell you all that I can't write and I make ANOTHER book, and then I get a bunch of ideas. Sorry!!!

When my eyes fluttered open, I was met with a pair of blue eyes.


"Good morning" he mumbled , a small smile on his lips.

"I love you" I smiled causing Sokka to grin like he just won a life time supply of meat.

His hand grasped mine "I love you too, so much".

I closed my eyes, my smile growing bigger. His words brought a deep joy from within me.

Our fight from last night seemed nonexistent, just a small thing that didn't matter. "I would like to lay here all day, but we should probably get up before the others come looking for us" I sighed, causing Sokka to groan.

"We'll have to do it another time" he sighed before getting up.

My face flushed as I got up, causing me to look down. A small laugh erupted from Sokka as he saw my face. "Let's go" he mumbled before interlacing my hand with his.

Smiling, we walked out of the room to be met with Katara and Aang who looked worried.

"There you guys are." Aang sighed jumping towards us.

"What's the matter?" I asked, feeling something wrong.

"Toph still isn't back yet and we're getting worried" Aang explained, but his mind was clearly focused on where Toph could be.

Suddenly a large rumble goes through the temple before a small blind girl fell out of it.

"Toph!" Katara exclaimed before rushing over to her "What happened?!"

"My feet got burned!" Toph growled, her feet sticking into the air.

"Oh no! What happened?" Katara asked as she looked at Toph's feet. "I just told you! My feet got burned!" Toph spoke again, her voice high.

"I meant, how." Katara clarified.

"Well, I kind of went to see Zuko last night." Toph spoke quietly, causing everyone but me to show a look of shock.

When I saw Zuko, he didn't burn me or even touch me. Honestly, he seemed confused and in pain, and I know the pain.

"You what?!" Aang asked, his mouth open. "Zuko?" Katara asked, her face almost angry. "Uhhh.." Sokka gapped before grasping my hand.

"I thought he could be helpful to us. And if I talked to him, maybe we could work something out." Toph explained as Katara pulled some water out and began to heal Toph's feet.

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