Chapter 21

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Once we left the volcanic island, we made our way into Fire Nation civilization.

At the moment, Aang and Katara bent the clouds around us, giving us some cover. "I think I see a cave below." Aang smiles excitedly, causing Appa to changes paths towards the rocks.

"Sh! Keep quiet" Sokka warns as we continue our path down. Once we land, Aang pushes the cloud away and turns back to a glare from Sokka "Great job with the cloud camo, but next time, let's disguise ourselves as the kind of cloud that knows how to keep its mouth shut."

"Yeah, we wouldn't want a bird to hear us chatting up there and turn us in." Toph smirked sarcastically. "Hey, we're in enemy territory." Sokka warns before looking up at four toucanpuffin birds. "And those are enemy birds" he points our before one poops on his shoulder. 

After wiping the poop from his shoulder, we walk into the cave. "Well, this is it." Sokka sighs looking around "This is how we'll live until the invasion...cave after cave..after cave".

"Sokka, we don't need to become cave people. What we need is some new clothes." I point out.

"Yeah, blending in is better than hiding out.  If we get Fire Nation disguises,we would be just as safe as we would be hiding in a cave." Aang smiles.

"Plus, they have real food out there. Does anyone want to sit in the dirt and eat cave hoppers?" Toph questions before puching the cave wall, causing cave hoppers to pop out. Momo quickly runs and grabs one before stuffing it into his mouth.

"Looks like we got outvoted, sport. Let's get some new clothes." Sokka sighs.


"I don't know about this. These clothes belong to somebody." Aang sighs doubtful.

At the moment, all five of us stand behind a rock and watch a mix of red clothes flow in the wind. 

"I call the silk robe!" Katara shouts hopping from her spot and into the bundle of clothes. "But if it's essential to our survival ... then I call the suit!" Aang cheers jumping out.

A laugh escapes my mouth as I follow them into the lines of clothing. I examine the clothes before finding a long red skirt along with a short, cropped shirt that matched it. 

I then grabbed a golden band to slip onto my arm and some shoes.

Looking around, I slowly pulled my clothes over my head so I was only in my undergarments. "Let's see, whe- AH!" Sokka yelped as he found me. "Sokka!" I growled holding my clothes over my body. "I'm sorry!" he repeated as his face turned as red as his clothes.

"Go away!" I warned shooting my fist up and causing a rock wall to go up in between us. 

I took a deep breath before pulling the clothes over my body and sliding the golden ring up my arm. Once I was done, I shot the earth back into the ground and slipped my shoes on.

"Ta-dah! Normal kid." Aang cheered hiding his arrow as I approached the group. When Sokka's eyes found mine, they quickly shot away and his cheeks flared up.

"I hate the shoes, I can't feel the earth" I grumbled, which caused Toph to nod. "Sorry, shoes." she giggled before yankign the shoes and causing the sole to pop out.

My memory flashed back to when I did that back in Ba Sing Se. My lips turned down but it was hidden as  leaned down and ripped the own soles off my shoes. "Finally, a stylish shoe for the earthbenders." Toph smiled before punching me in the arm.

" How do I look?" Katara asked as she stepped into view. Her outfit was similar to my own but her shirt was held up by one strap and her shirt was more pant like. Aang's face quickly turned red "Uh ... your mom's necklace."

Frowning Katara looked down at her neclace "Yeah, it's pretty Water Tribe isn't it?" she frowns as she takes it off.

"Mika" Sokka questions "What about..your scar?".

I look down at my burns, which are clearly visible. "If anyone asks, Aang is my brother who got a little too carried away with firebending" I sigh.

Aang's eyes quickly widen "Yeah..carried away" he sighs before looking at Katara.


Now in the middle of a Fire Nation town, Katara purchases a few things with Toph and Sokka.

Aang and I stand aside, both lost in thought.

What happened to Saki and Iroh? Iroh most likely was taken to prison but what about Saki. Was she dead? Struck by the same Fire Nation Princess? And if she wasn't dead, where was she? Zuko most likely protected her but I thought he was on our side.

There where so many unanswered questions that roamed my mind. Most of them I didn't want to even uncover.

"Alright guys" Aang spoke breaking me from my thoughts, "Let me show you how the Fire Nation people do it" he chuckled before leading us off.

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