Chapter 17

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Baby hairs tickled my face, causing my eyes to flutter open.

"Oh thank goodness you're awake" Katara sighed as she held glowing water to my arm. "What..happened?" I asked, my head foggy.

"Azula burned your arm pretty badly..and Aang" she choked off before looking where Toph and Momo slept, under them was a small figure that didn't look like the Avatar.

"I was able to heal him, he's alive but not awake." she sighed "It took a long time for any king of effect so your marks will probably scar, I'm so sorry".

"Katara, it's fine, Aang was the first priority." I spoke calmly trying to sit up but I felt weight on my stomach. Looking down, I saw a snoring Sokka resting his head on my stomach. "After you passed out, he never left your side." Katara spoke before pushing and pulling the water. 

"What happened to the Earth King?" I asked looking around the saddle. "He and Bosco took off on their own, we dropped them off a few hours ago.

"You might feel some pain here" she spoke has her hands hovered above my palm. "Your palm got pretty burned" she sighed. "That's what I get for playing with fire" I chuckle dryly.

Suddenly she closes her eyes as she works on my palm. I feel it spasm before pain erupts from it, trailing the trail of Azula's firewhip. It was like feeling it all over again, and again, and again.

I squirm in my position, letting out small noises of pain. "You can let it out, Sokka and Toph are heavy sleepers and Aang might even wake up from it" Katara spoke dryly. She seemed dark, something I've never seen from her. 

But, I did what she said and I let out a howl of pain. "Spirit! Oh my spirit!" I growl in pain.

"Mika?! Mika what's wrong?!" Sokka grumbles as he lifts his head.

"She's feeling the pain from her burns" Katara responds annoyed. Sokka glares at his sister "You know, you don't need to get all dark on us, just because Aang isn't awake doesn't mean he'll never wake up, so stop being so rude" Sokka snapped before his eyes turned back to me.

I slowly felt tears come out of my eyes, flowing down my cheeks as the memory replayed itself in my head. But each time the picture changed. From Azula burning me, to Long Feng burning me, to Long Feng burning my parents to even my parents burning me.

"Make it stop!" I thrash, causing Katara's water to spill around us. Katara's eyes are soft and bends up the water and puts it in her skin. "That should help it from infections but the scar is only going to lighten up some." she explained before walking over where Aang's body was and pulling him into her lap.

"I'm so sorry Mika, I should've made you come with me and Toph, then you would'n-" Sokka babbles. "Sokka, don't try and blame yourself, this is Azula's fault, she threw the whip." I sigh before leaning back into him.

"Just hold me"

He complies and wraps his arms around my waist, careful not to touch my arm.

"You know, that's a scar to compete with Zuko's, it's really fiery" Sokka chuckles in my ear.

"Hmm" I mumble, but a weak smile crosses my face. "You know, you're also really fiery" he whispers, his breath in my ear.

I tilt my head to look at those blue eyes, which were locked onto me.

Sokka, Aang, Katara and Toph was what I wanted in life, friends, a family. Someone I could rely on. Someone I could trust. Someone I could love. Through the short time I've known them, it's felt like a lifetime. I feel free, and independent with them. Though things can get tough, like now, I know things can be different. I know I can be free and who I want to be with them.

I just need to be truthful and honest with them.

"Are you going to call me apart of the Fire Nation?" I ask teasing. He ponders this for a second "That's an insult to those of the Fire Nation" he replies with a smirk. 

I smack his chest lightly with my good arm. "You're so funny" I smile.

"I get it from my father, sadly Katara didn't." he chuckles. My eyes widen slightly "Where are we going anyways?" I ask.

"Speaking of my father, we're going to the bay where my tribe and him are staying" he explained before resting his chin onto my head. 

"So, I get to meet the meat and sarcasm guy's father whom I'm guessing is also very sarcastic?" I quiestion, keeping my gaze at the clouds as they fly by.

"You got it" Sokka replies before a low laugh rumbles from his chest. "But remember when, you found me in the alley, and you felt my head?" he asks softly.

"Is that a haiku? And yes I remember" I stumble on my words. 

I feel his hand brush through my hair and reach the back of my scalp. His hand softly turns my head to face his.

My heartbeat turns quick and rapid as his eyes close in on my face, taking in every detail. I look up into his eyes, and they stay frozen onto them.

His eyes are like the ocean and mine are like the land. Two things that are needed for life, yet totally different.

His face slowly gets closer to mine until our foreheads are pressed together.

His lips are centimeters from mine, I can feel his hot breath on my face. I push my head forward slightly so our bottom lips are connecting slightly. 

He pushes forward again and our lips are just brushing each other lightly. I want to push forward and kiss him. I should.

But neither of us planned this, we don't know what to do, so we sit, in the dark sky, forehead to forehead as our lips brush each other.

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