Chapter 7

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Once the sun had dipped into the ground, Iroh and I started our ways home.

"Thank you Mika, you shine even when the sun has vanished from the sky." Iroh smiled as he pulled me into a tight hug. "It was no problem Iroh, your son deserves the best" I whispered hugging him back.

His eyes slowly began to water again but he pulled himself together. "I'm opening a Tea Shop soon, you should come to the opening" he explained, clearly excited.

"I will, I can't wait!" I smiled before wishing him goodbye as we went our separate ways.

After leaving Iroh I walked through the streets of Ba Sing Se. For once, the lights around the fountain are lit, and a black haired boy and a small girl are clearly enjoying them as they slightly kiss. My eyes then dark towards a darker girl, almost the shade of Katara and Sokka, lip locking with a startled guy.

"I'm sorry" the dark haired boy whispers "It's complicated". He then continues to run away, the light catching the large scar on his eye.

The girl, now alone looks like she may cry but the other girl looked in the direction in which the boy went. "Wow Saki" the guy smirked as he looked at the girl who still looked down the alley. (Saki is from another ATLA fanfiction called The Girl No One Knew and The Girl He Won't Remember so go check it out!)

I turned back around and continued my way home. Then yet again something pops up, well more like someONE.

"AHH!" Sokka screams as he's thrown out of some building. He lands on the ground and instantly grabs his head. "Poetry" he grumbles angrily.

"Sokka?" I called, calling his head to snap towards me. "Mika?! Is that you? Or did I hit my head harder than I thought" he sighed before standing up.

I laughed before stepping up to him and placing a hand onto the back of his head. 

His eyes widened slightly "I don't feel any bumps so I'm guessing you're fine" I spoke before releasing my hand. 

"So, what did you do since you left Team BoomerAANG" Sokka chuckled as we walked down the alley. I rolled my eyes and laughed with him before explaining what I did. "Oh you know, I walked around the city, bought some food..and no it wasn't meat"

"Then, I went up this hill, to watch the sunset when I found an old man" I started "He was singing a beautiful song but it was for a sad reason, his dead son's Birthday" I sighed closing my eyes for a few seconds.

"Wow, that's not very fun" Sokka mumbled. 

"Better than getting stalked by Dai Li agents" I pointed out. He nodded his head in agreement "They haven't tried anything with you, have they?" he asked. 

"No, nothing yet and I hope never" I sighed as we reached a pile of rubble and a few lit lamps.

Breaking away from the subject, Sokka smirks sarcastically "Wow, this is a sight right here". 

I laugh, pulling a hand up to cover my mouth. Suddenly and idea popped into my head "Want to see some Earth Bending?"

"I don't know" Sokka says warily "The last time someone showed me Earth Bending, I got pulled out of a hole, but I guess that's a good thing"

I didn't even want to ask so I concentrated on the large boulder. Unlike most benders, I'm not one who enjoys grabbing the heavy duty rocks. I'm not hard and strong, so it's hard to bend something like that. My life is also already concrete and forced so just adding on to that is hard.

As it lifted into the air, I shifted my hands into fists and holding it tightly, causing the rock to implode to dust.

I took in a deep breath before moving my hands freely, along with staying light on my feet. The moments almost looked like Aang's this morning when he was Water bending. 

Lately, my style has been what some call Sand bending, which is a more free flowing way of Earthbending. I moved my hands in a circular motion, causing the sand to circle around Sokka. His eyes gazed into mine before looking at the sand. 

"Wow" he spoke. 

I pulled the sand away from Sokka and back to me. That's when I pressed my hands together and compressed the sand back to rock. 

"Your bending is way different than Toph's" Sokka spoke as we continued to walk back home. Nodding my head I responded with "Well every bender is different"

"Yeah, that's true" he chuckled.


"Thanks again for the magic sand show" Sokka joked, his eyes trained on me. I felt my face flush up slightly "No problem really, just don't go getting thrown out of places" I warned before embracing him for the second time that day. 

"I hope to see you around town again" he whispers in my ear before pulling away and turning to walk home. A smile stays glued onto my face as I walk into the house.

Instantly I notice the darkness and sheer silence. On the table, my scroll was still rolled to perfection.

"Mom? Dad?" I called before picking up the piece of paper on the ground, it was covered with paint.

Before I could even turn it around, a small green flame emitted, showing no other than Long Feng. 

"Hello Miss Mika Lee or should I say Miss Mika Feng" he smirked.

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