Chapter 49

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I pulled the helmet over my head, giving me a mask.

"I hope these disguises work" Zuko spoke as we leaned against the wall.

"Me too, I'm not really ready to get thrown back into prison" I joked, causing Sokka to give me a look, causing me to shut up. His voice, his body language and everything was serious, and I needed to respect that, he was looking for his father. He let me look for Long Feng so I need to give him the same right.

Suddenly, a rush of guards run past us before one backs up and glares at us"Guards! There's a scuffle in the yard. Come on."


Once we reach the yard, a guard is trying to fight with a prisoner.

"I didn't do anything! I'm going back to my cell." the prisoner growled before turning around. The guard on the other hand had other ideas. A fire whip was created from his hand as he whipped it at the prisoner.

My heart raced as he yelled "Stop right there, Chit Sang."

  You little peasant!  

I felt like I was going to pass out, this couldn't be happening, not again. Is this guard about to whip this man? Zuko and I try to take a step forward but Sokka stops us. "We can't blow our cover" he warns, causing Zuko and I to watch.

"I've had it with your unruly behavior!" the guard snarled. "What did I do?" Chit Sang asked, confusion covering his face. 

"He wants to know what he did. Isn't that cute?" the guard chuckled before looking at the three of us with a look.

"Very cute sir" Zuko spoke. "It's so cute, it's almost adorable" I spoke with a fake smile. "SuPER CUTE" Sokka spoke.

"You didn't bow down when I walked by, Chit Sang!" the guard snarled.

"What? That's not a prison rule!" Chit Sang spoke offended. "Do it!" the guard screamed. "Make me!" Chit Sang screamed back, equally as angry. The guard then created a whip of fire and shot it at the prisoner

Chit Sang instantly shot it back with bending. "Tsk, tsk. Firebending is prohibited. You're going in the cooler. You! Help me take him in." The guard hissed before pointing at Sokka.

"Meet me back in an hour" Sokka whispers to us before running off.

Turning to Zuko, I take a breath "I'm going to go on my own".

Before he could protest, I turned and walked away.


"Hey! You" a female voice called, making me turn around. 

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