Chapter 11

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After searching through the palace, Sokka finally found a large door.

  "Now that's an impressive door. It's gotta go somewhere." Sokka smiles as tries to kick the door open. "YAHHH" he screams as his foot connects with the door. I hide a small laugh as the door remains closed.

Toph and Aang look at me then the door, getting the message I nod. We all stand together before we all bend the door down and sadly Sokka goes tumbling.

I quickly rush to his side and help him up. "A little warning next time?" he groans as he rubs his head. My hand goes to the back of his head again, feeling for bumps. A small frown covers my face "There's a bump."

"You can play Husband and Wife later!" Toph warns "Let's go!"

So Sokka and I look away from eachother as we all run into the throne room where the King sits. Along with Long Feng and the Dai Li.

"We need to talk to you!" Aang yells. Long Feng glares at me before turning towards the King. "They're here to overthrow you my lord".

"No, we're on your side. We're here to help." Sokka and I say together in union. I shoot a glance at Sokka, seeing his face slightly pinken but his gaze stays locked on Long Feng. "You have to trust us" Katara pleds.

The King then stands up with an angry face as he yells "You invade my palace, lay waste to all my guards, break down my fancy door, and you expect me to trust you?"

"He has a point" Toph coughs. "If you are on my side, then drop your weapons and stand down!  " The King shouts. I slowly drop my fists, and the Gaang drops all of their weapons. 

"See? We're friends, Your Earthiness" Aang smiles as he laughs nervously.

"Detain the assailants! " Long Feng shouts, and his men take no time to cuff us. 

"But we dropped our weapons. We're your allies." Sokka speaks shocked. "Make sure the Avatar and his friends never see daylight again. " Long Feng sheers, his gazed locked onto me.

The King's mouth hangs open as he points to Sokka "You're the Avatar?!"

Sokka smirks before pointing his head to Aang "No, he is." Aang then takes off his cuffs and says "Over here" before reattaching them.

"What does it matter, Your Highness? They're enemies of the state." Long Feng sneers. 

"Perhaps you're right" The King sighs as a bear licks Aang, causing him to laugh. "Though Bosco seems to like him. I'll hear what he has to say.". This causes Long Feng's glare to fall onto Aang, making his cheery smile disappear.

"Well, sir, there's a war going on right now. For the past one hundred years in fact. The Dai Li's kept it secret from you. It's a conspiracy to control the city, and to control you." Aang explains in a serious tone I never thought he had.

"A secret war?! That's crazy!" The King exclaims. "Completely" agrees Long Feng.

"Long Feng didn't want us to tell you, so he stole our sky bison to blackmail us. And blackmail is the least of his crimes; he brainwashed our friend!" Aang shouts loudly. 

"All lies. I've never even seen a sky bison, Your Majesty. Frankly, I thought they were extinct." Long Feng lies smoothly. I close my eyes, once a liar, always a liar. I need to tell the group soon, I don't want to keep this from them.

Suddenly when I open my eyes, Sokka is in front of me.

"Mika? Mika! Come on! We need to show the King proof of the the war" he smiled before linking my hand with his. He then continues to pull me through the palace and outside where Appa and the group is waiting.

Sokka helps me up and holds my hand the entire ride to the lake.


"It's gone!" Toph screeches as she brings up the destroyed pathway.

"Oh don't tell me- ! That's okay. Still got my positive attitude." Sokka cheers as he gives a tumbs up with a fake smile.

"The Dai Li must've known we were coming and destroyed the evidence!" I sneer. "Hm ... That seems awfully convenient" The King says sarcastically.

"Hey, if anything, this proves the conspiracy exists even more." Sokka points out but the king seems unimpressed as he turns around. "Long Feng was right, this was a waste of time"

"Wait! The wall! They couldn't have covered that up in time." Katara cheers.

"Oh, yeah. If you come with us to the Outer Wall, we can prove to you that the secret war is real." Aang cheers as he jumps up and down. "No Earth King has ever been to the Outer Wall. I don't have any more time for this nonsense." The King sneers, causing Aang to frown.

"You can ride on Appa" Sokka offers, causing the King to smile.

As we fly, I keep my eyes locked tight as I dislike hanging on for dear life. I had heard about the wall, a drill going through it but no one really explained why, so yet again, more lies. 

"It's still there!!" Sokka screamed cheerful. "What is that!" The King and I say together like Sokka and I earlier. 

"It's a drill, to break through the walls of Ba Sing Se" Sokka explains looking at me. 

"I never knew.." The King spoke just as a set of doors opened revealing the Dai Li.



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