Chapter 13

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"Secret files?" Aang asks, clearly confused.

The general then pulls out a scroll before reading "Toph Beifong.". He hands it to Toph who then hands it to Katara, who opens it.

"It's a letter from your mom. Your mom's here in the city. And she wants to see you." Katara explains as her eyes dart across the paper. These words cause Toph's eyes to widen in shock. I don't know much about Toph's past but I can tell things aren't good with her parents. 

"Long Feng intercepted our letters from home? That's just sad." Toph sighs shaking her head. The King proceeds with another scroll before handing it to Aang.

"This scroll was attached to the horn of your bison when the Dai Li captured it." The General states before standing high and mighty. "It's from the Eastern Air Temple" Aang gasps before his eyes indulge the words.

"Is there anything for Sokka and I?' Katara asks, sadness covering her face.

The King looks into the box with a frown before saying "No." Sokka and Katara look distraught, clearly wanting something. "But there is an intelligence report that might interest you." The General smiled before handing Katara a scroll in which she almost ripped open to read.

"A small fleet of Water Tribe ships." Katara gaps, causing Sokka to look over her shoulder "It could be Dad!"

A smile forms on their faces as Katara reads on ""Protecting the mouth of Chameleon Bay. Led by Hakoda" The two look at each other before erupting.  "It is Dad!" Sokka yells before hugging his sister. A small smile forms onto my face as the two jump up and down.

"Mika" The General sighs, causing me to turn around. "This was found in Long Feng's desk" he explains before handing me yellowed scroll.

The group breaks from their reign of happiness as they look at me.

I slowly open the large scroll and read it silently.

Long Feng,

Mister and Mrs Lee have been disposed of.

The date for your lost daughters return shall be set along with her Dai Li and Earthbending training.  

Dai Li

Stuck on the page was a paper that stated birth. It was mine and the father slot was filled with Long Feng. Such a large scroll for so little words. But these words hurt. Unlike the gang, this news was bad.

"Well? What does it say?" Katara asks, her voice soothing. I look up before putting a smile on my face "My parents were just telling me their vacation is going well." 

Like father like daughter.

Toph's smirk disappears as she walks towards me as Aang goes on about his letter.

"You're lying, what did that letter really say?" she pushes, her ghostly eyes aimed at my face.

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