Chapter 15

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After talking to the King and hearing she was with 'Suki' Aang flew us back to the house. The second Appa lands, Aang is in the house with the rest of us quickly following.

"Katara! Katara!" Aang yells as he goes room to room. Toph closes her eyes as she feels the earth around her "There's no one else here." she sighs.

"I knew she was in trouble!" Aang shouts as he comes barreling back into the room. "Oh no oh no" Sokka hyperventilates.

Suddenly I feel heavy footsteps come up to the house, it must be from learning to bend the unbendable. Maybe. "Hey! Someone's here" Toph smiles as she goes to the door. "Actually, I know who it is. It's an old friend of mine. Glad to see you're okay."

I look at Iroh, my eyes widening. "I need your help" Iroh sighs. "Iroh!" I cheer rushing to him and embracing him. He responds with an 'oof' but smiles.

Sokka and Aang turn into fighting positions. "Guys, it's alright" another voice creeps before showing the girl from Appa's cell. Saki. "Saki?" Sokka asks before looking at the three of us.

"What do you girls DO in your spare time" Sokka groans before looking at the old man.

"Princess Azula is here in Ba Sing Se." Saki sighs, clearly disliking the idea. "She must have Katara" I think aloud before looking into Saki's eyes.

"She has captured my nephew as well." Iroh frowns. "Okay then, we work together to save Katara and Zuko" Aang declares pounding his staff on the floor. 

"Whoa there! You lost me at "Zuko". Sokka growls, a look of displeasure crossing his face. Iroh steps forward, desperation leaking through his eyes. He places his hands on Sokka's shoulders and says "I know how you must feel about my nephew.  But believe me when I tell you that there is good inside him."

"Sokka" Saki pleds, before looking at the boy. Sokka shoves Iroh away before brushing himself off ""Good inside him" isn't enough! Why don't you come back when it's outside him too, okay?".

"Sokka" I growl glaring at him "You don't need to be rude."

Before Sokka can respond, Aang fills in with "Katara's in trouble. All of Ba Sing Se is in trouble. Working together is our best chance."

"I have something, or someone that could help" Saki implies leading us outside where a Dai Li agent is tried up. Iroh quickly pulls out his gag and the guard spills. "Azula and Long Feng are plotting a coup! They're going to overthrow the Earth King!" he exclaims.

"Long Feng?!" I growl "Why would Azula work with the lights of him?" I sneer. The guard shakes his head "I don't know! I don't know!!"

Sokka steps forward and asks harshly "Where is my sister? Where is Katara?!". The agent looks like he might cry " In the Crystal Catacombs of Old Ba Sing Se, deep beneath the palace."


"Alright Mika, feel the Earth, let me know if you see anything" Toph states. I close my eyes and place my hand firmly onto the ground. "I..I think I see a bit..I see it! It's huge!" I cheer standing up. Toph nods her head before placing her own hand down, checking to see if I'm correct, which slightly irritates me.

"We should split up. Aang, you go with Iroh and Saki to look for Katara and the angry jerk" Sokka explains before looking at Iroh and places a hand on his shoulder. "no offense.". "None taken." Iroh sighs.

"Toph, Mika and I can warn the King." Sokka smiles.

"Sokka, whenever we split up, you always want the new person, so how about I take her for a chnage" Saki smiles before linking her arm in mine.  "B-But" Sokka stuttered but Saki had already pulled me towards the tunnel Aang and Iroh started.

"So, you know Sokka?" I ask Saki, hoping that she wasn't another girl after him. For some reason, I didn't want any other girl after him.

"I grew up with Katara and him, god he's exactly the same, a sarcastic meat lover" she sighed as if remembering a time when they were kids.

"But how did you meet the Gaang?" she asked me, her blue eyes lighter than Sokka's. "Well, he bumped into me and asked for meat" I laughed lightly.

"Well, that certainly sounds like the Sokka I know" she threw her head back and laughed. "So, are you and Sokka dating?" I bluntly asked, I wanted to know and I hoped that she wouldn't lie, Toph didn't teach me that yet. 

"Me?! Date SOKKA?! OH MY SPIRIT" Saki cackled like a rabid DogMonkey. I felt myself shrink, embarrassment flowed through me. 

 "Please, Sokka and I are pretty much siblings, so nothing to worry about, hes all yours" Saki giggled.

"What?! No! No, I don't like him that way" I flared, my cheeks growing warm like fire(nuts). Did I? I mean Sokka IS attractive but do I like him? I guess I like how he's free but there has to be more than just that.

"Yeah yeah, thats what they all say" Saki grinned before skipping ahead.

She was an odd girl. Definitely more fire than ice. "I think this is the last barrier!" Aang called ahead before we were met with a bundle of light.

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