Chapter 14

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Once everyone had left, Toph and I started our journey to where her mother was.

"So, do you mind me asking what happened to your parents? I mean you can lie and I won't be able to tell" I chuckle. "My parents didn't want me bending" she explained "I mean they got me a teacher but only kept me at basic level bending but I wanted more, so I got it. I entered fighting arenas and won alot of them, even against champions, but no one knew who I was." 

"I'm sorry" I whispered placing a hand onto her shoulder. "Yeah, I ran away from home, but I told the others my parents changed their minds, so expect some yelling.

I gave a smile as we entered the dark house. "Hello? Mom! It's me!" she calls. Suddenly her eyes widen as she senses something and suddenly where both thrown into a box, made of metal. "Hey! Who do you think you're dealing with!?" Toph screams as she bangs on the door.

"One loud-mouthed little brat who strayed too far from home. And a friend to keep her company" a dark voice snickers as we're carried away.

"What is happening?!" I screech as Toph continues to bang on the door.  "Two little babies from back home that only have an eye for gold!" she screams to make sure they hear it. "We have to be able to get out of here" I sigh feeling the metal.

So far no bender could bend metal, so these guys had maybe half a brain to trap us in this.

Toph continues to bang against the door, causing a very loud noise. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. "Toph! Can you PLEASE stop it!?" I hiss breathing down her neck. "You know what, I should call you the Sugar Princess" she grumbles.

I bit my tongue as she yells something out. "Hey! Can you two old ladies quit your bickering for a second? I got to go to the bathroom!" she yells. Were the two bickering? I couldn't tell.

"Oooh ... uhhh, okay, but make it quick!"  one man says in a gentle tone. I almost hear the sound of rattling. Toph's lips lift upwards. "What's wrong with you?" another one hisses harshly as the cart pulls forward, jerking us against the metal. "Ooh, very sneaky Toph! Nice try, but you can't trick me!" the gentle man snickers.

"Let me and my friend out of here so we can kick both your butts!" Toph hisses. Her smile is now replaced with a hard frown.

Her hands mindlessly stroke the metal searching. "What are you doing?" I ask before putting my own hand to the metal. I almost pull away from the cool effect but I hold on. "Close your eyes, feel and listen to the earth" Toph whispers as her fingers clutch the metal.

I take a deep breath and listen. If she told me this any other day, I'd say she was crazy, but anything can happen. Even bending metal.

Toph then continues to punch the metal door. "Come on, metal. Budge!" she growls as she presses it. I keep my mind open, maybe we could really bend metal.

Suddenly I hear a popping noise and I open my eyes, Toph is shaking her hand in pain and I look at the hole in the door and figure out way. "Okay Toph, you rule!" I cheer.

"How about you try?" Toph suggests still holding her hand. I nod before stepping forward. I take a deep breath before slamming the top of my hands against the metal, taking in the object. "I-I can almost" I question as I clutch the hole Toph made. 

I begin to slowly pull it back like paper, but it feels more like a bunch of Appa's.

"Whoa" I gasp pulling away, looking at the hole has grown. "Congrats Sugar Princess! You did learn from the best" Toph snickers before jumping out of the box, in which I quickly follow. 

We watch as the cart stops and the two men get off. 

"Is it another one of her tricks?" one asks confused. "There's a giant hole in the box!! How is it a trick?!" The other one yells. 

"It's not!" Toph screams as she pulls me out of the woods. "Get the other side" she demands before earthbending the two into the box. I instantly grab a side and begin to push it towards the middle, where Toph goes to meet me with the other end.

"I am the greatest earthbender in the world! Don't you two dunderheads ever forget it!" Toph screams as she jumps on the box before jumping down. 

"Let's go!" she calls before rising the earth below her and shooting off. Rolling my eyes at her speed, I make a smaller wave, made of more sand and dirt than anything and I trail after her.


As we surf along the surface, Toph stays quiet, but I notice a white flying Bison.

"Need a ride?" Sokka smirks at us as they fly in next to Toph. Clearly not noticing Appa, Toph loses concentration and fly's off her mound into the dirt. After calming my wave, I rush over to Toph as I help her up.

"Hey! What are you two doing out here? I thought you had to see your dad.." I trail off looking at Sokka before looking at Aang who has a worried expression.

"Katara's in trouble, and I should be asking why you two are out in the middle of nowhere" Sokka chuckles before frowning.

"That's another story for another time and trust me it's a good one" Toph laughs before punching my arm.

"Well come on, we need to find Katara and make sure she's safe" I exclaim before helping Toph onto Appa, in which she clutches to Aang for dear life.

After boosting myself up, I sit next to Sokka, who keeps a firm grip onto my hand as we take off to find Katara.

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