Chapter 31 1/2

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So I REALLY DIDNT want to do this but I felt like we needed to introduce Sparky Sparky Boom Boom Man so here's a small chapter. I KNOW ITS SAD DONT YELL AT ME!!!

After a long day at a hot spring, we all try to sleep.

My eyes slowly begin to close as Sokka tightens his arms around me.

Suddenly, I feel a hard and heavy vibration in the earth, and I guess Toph feels it too as she gets up. I slowly untangle myself from Sokka and I feel the earth with my hand.

"Guys, you're all gonna think I'm crazy, but it feels like a metal man is coming." Toph calls. "I must be crazy because I feel it too.." I trail off trying to see if it REALLY was a metal man.

Suddenly Aang hops up and tries to earthbend but a large blast, well blasts him and everyone away.

Toph and I firmly plant ourselves to the ground. "LAUNCH!" she screams and I quickly join her in the armada of rocks that shoot towards the man. But he shoots right through it and aims it at Toph and I. It almost hits us but Aang blocks it with airbending, but it still causes us to shoot back.

"Ugh!" I groan as I try to get up but I fall back onto the ground. Sokka is quickly at my side and helps me up. "Are you okay?" he asks as Toph also gets up.

"Yeah, I'm fine, spirits" I groan leaning against Sokka.

"This is crazy! How can we beat a guy who blows things up with his mind?" Sokka exclaims leading Toph and I towards Appa. "We can't! Jump on Appa! I'll try to distract him!" Aang calls before rushing off. Sokka sighs before helping Toph and I onto the beast and gets his sister on before getting on himself.

"Yip yip!" Katara yells, causing Appa to fly into the air, and right in time to catch Aang as he falls.

Katara grabs onto him as he lands into the saddle, and looks at him with worry. "I'm okay."

"That was random" Toph sighed laying down. 

"Painfully random" I groaned as I looked at the forming bruise on my leg.

"I don't think so. I get the feeling he knows who we are." Katara sighs as we fly off.

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