Chapter 12

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"I can explain this, Your Majesty. This is nothing more than ... a construction project" Long Feng lies smoothly.

"Really? Then perhaps you could explain why there's a  Fire Nation insignia on your "construction project". Katara spits, causing the King to look down on the drill. I myself even hang over the side to look at the object.

"Well it's imported of course. You know you can't trust domestic machinery. Surely you don't believe these children instead of your most loyal attendant?" Long Feng warns, but his face is covered with worry.

"Dai Li! Arrest Long Feng! I want him to stand trial for crimes against the Earth Kingdom." The King spits before turning around.

The Dai Li look at each other before grabbing him. "No! You can't, you wouldn't imprison a father would you?" he calls before glaring at me.

The King turns around "You don't have any children Long Feng". My body stiffens, I'm unable to react. I'm unable to move. I'm unable to do anything. 

"Her mother is quite the liar like myself" he sneers "Mika darling come here to dad" Long Feng smirks. His eyes sneering with satisfaction.

The King and the group look at me shocked, even the Dai Li men look down at the man in their arms.

"Mika?" Aang calls, "This isn't it?". Suddenly blue fabric covers my vision and I'm looking up at Sokka. "It can't be can't be..related to that guy" Sokka speaks, his eyes wide and alert. 

"I-I don't know what to believe anymore" I stutter as I feel my walls coming down. First the war, next the drill, then my true parents.

"Of course I'm her father, her parents can't bend" he sneers. "Actually, my parents weren't benders but I can bend" Katara and Toph point out together. "Just take him away!" The King shouts.

"This won't be the last you see of me Mika!" Long Feng yells as he pulled away. Sokka turns back to me and pulls me into a warm hug.

I inhale his scent and clutch my arms around his body. He felt warm and safe. 

"Enough with the PDA people" Toph growls as she sends a wall up between us. Rolling my eyes I send the earth back into the ground.

"Well" Sokka starts as he smiles at everyone "Looks like Long Feng is long gone! Ha! Ah, yeah, I've been waiting to use that one." Katara rolls her eyes.


Later that night, we were all back in the palace with the Earth King.

"I want to thank you, young heroes, for opening my eyes. All this time, what I thought was a great metropolis was merely a city of fools. And that makes me the king fool.  We're at war. With the Fire Nation." The King sighs has he hides his face in shame.

"That's why we came to Ba Sing Se, Your Highness: Because we think you can help us end the war." Sokka explains before giving the spotlight to Aang. "We don't have much time. There's a comet coming this summer. Its energy will give the firebenders unbelievable strength. They'll be unstoppable."

The King's mouth hangs open at the news but Sokka and Aang continue on "But there is hope. Before the comet comes, we have a window of opportunity: A solar eclipse is coming. The sun will be completely blocked out by the moon, and the firebenders will be helpless."

"What are you suggesting, Sokka?" The King asks confused.

"That's the day we need to invade the Fire Nation" Sokka says causing the room to silence "The Day Of Black Sun".  

"I don't know. That would require moving troops out of Ba Sing Se. We'd be completely vulnerable" The king says worried but Sokka pushes on. " You're already vulnerable. The Fire Nation won't stop until Ba Sing Se falls. You can either sit back and wait for that to happen, or take the offensive and give yourself a fighting chance."

The King takes this in for a moment before nodding "Alright, you have my support".

All five of us cheer before going into a group hug. "We did it!" Aang smiles. 

Then a man walks in and bows "Your Majesty. I apologize for the interruption."

"This is General How. He's the leader of the Council of Five, my highest ranking generals." The King explains before turning his attention back to the General. "We searched Long Feng's office. I think we found something that will interest everybody." The General says as he carries a box to the Kings desk. The five of us all look at each other.

 "There are secret files on everyone in Ba Sing Se. Including you kids." The General states, causing all of our mouths to open. 


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