Chapter 38

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"This is it! The official rendezvous point for the invasion force." Sokka cheers looking at a map.

Around us are Koala Sheep and a steep cliff leading to the ocean.

"How did you pick this place?" Toph asks.

"Before we split up, my dad and I found this island on the map. It's uninhabited, and the harbors surrounded by the cliffs seemed like the perfect secluded place." Sokka smiled excitedly.

"Nice choice, Sokka. And we're here four days ahead of schedule." I say before pressing a kiss to his lips.

"Wait! Four days? The invasion's in four days?" Aang asks, his face showing horror.

"Whatever. That's like four days from now. Let's just calm down and-" Sokka starts as he yawns and then passes out.

"Sokka's got the right idea, Aang. We're here. We're ready. The best thing we can do now is get plenty of rest." Katara says before lying down.

"I guess" Aang mutters.

Yawning, I grab my blanket and I cover Sokka up before laying down next to him. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me to him. Rolling my eyes I slowly fell asleep.


Slowly my eyes opened, the sky around us was dark.

I heard the sound of grunting and a kicking noise. I slowly untangled myself from Sokka and found Aang beating a bush.

"Aang, what are you doing?!" I questioned yawning.

"Training. Must train." he spoke determined.

He clearly doubted himself and I didn't want to fight with him. And frankly, I needed to train, lately I haven't been bending and I needed to be ready.

"Let's go down to the beach and I'll help you" I spoke, causing him to nod.

The moon shined down on us as I shifted my hands, causing sand to rise into the air like a wave formation. "Sand is like airbending or waterbending. Its a loose form of earth and is open to change" I said before shooting the sand at him. 

Instead of jumping it, he rose his hands into the air, catching the sand and forming it into a ball. 

"Good, now attack!" I growled and he quickly did as I said.

He pushes his arms forward, causing the sand to shoot at me. Right before it slammed into me, I moved my hands apart, causing it to explode and to go in two directions.

Before the grains could even touch the ground, I rose and slammed my foot into the sand and rose my hands into the air before clapping them together. These movements cause the sand beneath me to turn into solid earth and the grains of sand to turn into small pebbles.

I then dug my feet into the solid earth and launched the balls to Aang.

Gasping, he shot his hand to the ground, blasting air and so, blasting him into the air, avoiding the pebbles.

"You know how to evade, but you need to know how to attack" I spoke, standing still.

Aang looked at me, before getting that he should attack me.

So he rose his hand, and shot a blast of air at me. I instantly jammed my feet into the earth, holding me in place as the air blew past me.

"Good! Now get stronger, become the offense, not just the defense pretending" I said, hoping to rile him.

He pulled water from the ocean nearby and shot it at me in the form of a heavy wave. I instantly lowered my hands before rising them quickly, causing the hard earth below me to rise in front of me, covering me from the wave.

"Again" I called.

We did this for awhile and soon enough, I was tired.

"Good job Aang, now let's go to sleep" I smiled yawning as we walked up from the beach. "Okay" Aang nodded falling onto his sleeping mat. I yawned again as I crawled into bed with Sokka.


When I woke up, Aang was training yet again.

"How long have you been up?" Katara asked, getting irritated with Aang.

"Never slept" He spoke before slamming his fist into a tree.

"Hey Mika" Sokka smiled wrapping an arm around my shoulders. Smiling, I planted a kiss to his cheek.

"Sokka, can we talk?" I asked, making his eyebrows scrunch.

"What is it?" he asked leading us to the cliff side. "About the invasion" I started as I sat down "When Aang flies off to find the Fire Lord, would he be able to drop me off at the prison?"

"Why do you want to go to the prison?" Sokka asked, confusion lacing his eyes.

"Long Feng is rumored to be there." I whispered and quickly continued with "And I need to see him, not for the fact that he's my father but for closure, I need to ask him a few things and then I'll join the invasion."

Sokka looked down at his hands "Mika, I really want you at my side" he whispered "I want you safe."

I moved my hand to hold his "And I will, I'll find Aang and we'll ride back together and I won't leave your side" I smiled weakly.

"This is my only chance to do this" I pointed out, making him release a heavy breath.

"Fine, but make it quick, I don't like the idea of you being with Firebenders when they can still bend" Sokka spoke looking at me with worry.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine" I smiled before pressing my lips to his.

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