Chapter 32

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The gif above is what all of you are going to do to me after reading this. Oh god, I'm not ready. (If you're not the sharpest of rocks, you're Azula)

"There it is. That's Roku's home." Aang spoke as we landed near the small black island.

Once we landed, Katara looked confused "but there's nothing here"

"Yes, there is" I gasped as my feet sensed what was below us.

" An entire village, hundreds of houses ... all completely buried in ash." Toph spoke as she joined us on the ground. "Roku said he would meet me here, Toph, do you see any suitable rocks for me to sit on?" Aang asked before walking off with the blind girl.

Sokka was currently trying to find some food when I remembered I got him some meat. "Look in the red sleeping bag" I called, hoping he would figure out that it was a gift.

"Mika" Katara spoke, pulling me closer to her. "I think you need to tell Sokka, while we have time" she sighed looking at her brother. She was right, I needed to tell him, from my parents, to the plan and my breakdown. 

"Okay." I spoke looking down. "I'll leave you two alone" Katara smiled "Good luck." Then she turned and followed Aang and Toph.

"Mika! When did we get this sleeping bag?" Sokka asked as I walked back up to Appa.

"I bought it..for you" I spoke, knowing this gift would not soften this news.

"Really?!" Sokka cheered opening it, causing the blanket and bundle of wrapped meats to fall out. "Oh. My. Meat" Sokka gasped quickly stuffing what had fallen back into the sleeping bag.

His arms were suddenly around me and his lips were on mine.

"You" kiss "are" kiss "the" kiss" best" kiss "girlfriend" kiss "ever" Sokka smiled before looking at me.

I tried to smile but it failed. His expression changed "Mika, what's wrong? Did I do something?".

"No! You didn't do's me" I sighed pulling away from him. A look of hurt went through him but he covered it. 

"What's wrong? You can talk to me" he said softly.

"I've been lying to you..keeping things from you" I chocked, already feeling horrible.

"What? Mika what are you talking about?" Sokka asked taking a step forward.

"My parents are dead" I spoke, looking down. The words felt numb on my tongue.

"Oh my spirits." Sokka spoke before wrapping his arms around me. My eyes widened as he hugged me, I expected him to yell and be mad at me, yet he wasn't. "I'm so sorry Mika" Sokka mumbled into my ear has his hand stroking my hair.

I closed my eyes, relief washing over me as he tried to make me feel better.

"You can tell the others when you want to. I won't tell them" Sokka spoke calmly.

Shoot. My eyes slowly opened " told them" I whispered.

His hand stopped stroking my hair.

"What do you mean?" he asked pulling away from me. "Well, they just kinda found out.." I spoke. "So you chose not to tell me? Am I not special enough or was I just too stupid to figure it out?"

"Sokka" I warned "You know I didn't imply that".

"So why didn't you tell me? I've lost a parent" he spoke looking at me with hurt. 

"I wanted to wait for the right time, you were busy with your sword" I spoke. "That's an excuse, you're more important than my sword Mika" Sokka shot back looking annoyed.

"Back when I found out in Ba Sing Se, it was the wrong time then, you guys needed to do your own things, you had to find your father." I snapped, hoping he would see that his father was more important.

"You mean you lied to me?" he asked, anger lacing his voice.

I gasped as the Sokka from my breakdown entered my mind, how cold his eyes were and how hard his grip was. This couldn't be happening, not again.

My breath quickened as Dark Sokka's glare dug into my mind and his hands dug into my arm. 

"Mika." Sokka spoke, making the darker version of him vanish. "Are you okay? What's wrong?" he spoke, forgetting I've lied to him.

"I'm fine Sokka" I told him looking at him.

"That look of horror aimed at me didn't look fine Mika" Sokka warned.

"I said I'm fine Sokka" I responded.

"Stop lying to me Mika!" Sokka shouted.

"Sokka, I'm FINE!" I shouted back, causing his face to shift into a similar shape that was Dark Sokka.

"You know, it feels like I barely know you anymore Mika, I thought you were a king girl who made me laugh but could throw magic sand and rocks. You make me happy, you make me smile and you make me laugh, but now you lied to me, kept this news of your parents from me and now you're keeping your pain from me." Sokka croaked, a tear slipping from his eye.

"W-what are you saying?" I asked stuttering.

"I can't be with a person who lies to me Mika. We're over" Sokka spoke before turning around.

I fell onto my knees, tears falling from my eyes "Sokka! No! Please!" I sobbed.

He turned to look at me, his own tears falling "It's too late Mika" he spoke softly before walking away.

I released a heavy sob from my throat and curled into a ball of tears and lies.

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