Chapter 10

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After we escaped the holding room, all we had to do was fly or climb out of the tunnel.

I turned to Iroh, Saki and Prince Zuko. "Thank you, thank you so much" I smiled before crushing Zuko in a hug. Zuko looked away from me, almost sad.

"I hope to see you around again" Iroh spoke as I climbed onto Appa's back.

Appa instantly flew out of the tunnel and into the sky. I instantly began screaming as we went hundreds of feet into the air. "WHOOHOO!" I yelled as he soared around the sky and I knew the only thing on his mind: Aang.

Suddenly a monkey I saw Aang and the group with flew up to us, screeching his head off. "Momo, right? What is it boy?" 

The animal dove down to the earth, where I saw a bald boy, a blind girl and two water tribe siblings. But they were surrounded by Dai Li.

"Go down Appa! Go!" I scream and Appa doesn't need to be told twice as he flys down towards the earth. The air rushes around me, almost throwing me off of Appa. The group is trapped by a box like structure  but Appa heads right for the wall. Right before Appa slamed through it, I jump off his back and I swept some sand from the shore to catch me.

"Appa!!" Aang cheers as the Dai Li agents fall into the water.

Toph and Aang instantly use the earth to bend the other agents into the water.

Long Feng stands alone, glaring at us. "It's over Long Feng" Sokka hisses as he pulls out his boomerang. "I can take care of all of you myself" he growls before his eyes lay on me.

" did you es-" Long Feng started before Appa grabbed the man by his leg and threw him across the lake.

"Yeah! Appa!" Sokka cheers.

Tears slowly flow down Aang's face as we all run to him. "I missed you buddy" he whispers.

As Aang continues to embrace his beloved friend, Sokka speaks up "Look, we escaped from the Dai Li. We got Appa back. I'm telling you, we should go to the Earth King now and tell him our plan. We're on a roll."

Katara rolls her eyes at him "One good hour after weeks of trouble isn't really a roll".


"We can build on it. If we want to invade the Fire Nation when the eclipse happens, we'll need the Earth King's support" Sokka exclaims excitedly.  "What makes you think we'll get it? I don't know if you've noticed, but things don't usually go that smoothly for our little gang." Toph groans as she stomps on the ground.

"I know, but I've got a good feeling about this. This time will be different." Sokka explains, the excited tone slowly disappearing. 

"Sokka, Long Feng is in control of the city. His conspiracy with the Dai Li is too powerful. I think we should just keep flying and leave this horrible place behind us." Katara says.

To be honest, I want to leave the city as well but the city shouldn't be under these lies. "I'm with Sweetness. I've seen enough of Ba Sing Se.  And I can't even see!" Toph says as her eyes widen.

"I'm with Sokka" I voice out "Long Feng is a liar and needs to be stopped. 

Aang flies into the conversation, still happy about Appa "But now that we have Appa back, there's nothing stopping us from telling the Earth King the truth. About the conspiracy and the War. "

Sokka instantly wraps his arms around Aang and I "See! Aang and Mika are on my side!"

"Well, I guess if the Earth King knew the truth, things could change." Katara sighs before giving her brother a hug. Toph suddenly points a finger at Sokka "I don't trust the new positive Sokka. Long Feng brainwashed you, didn't he!?"

"That's probably the Dai Li searching for us. So?" Sokka says looking at his sister.

"Let's fly!" she cheers.

As we fly, Toph screams out "Can we please buy a new sadle!!" 

We soon approach the palace, causing Sokka to create a grin "There it is! That whole thing is the palace! The Earth King's chamber should be in the center!"

"We have to be careful. Long Feng's probably warned the king that we're coming." Katara says looking around. "Why would you assume that? If you ask me, I think we're just gonna sail right in and- AHHHHH" Sokka screams as a rock comes right for us.

Aang quickly flies from Appa and destroys the rock, casing bit to fly around us. I raise my hands in the air and shoot the rocks back at the ground towards the Dai Li. "What was that!" Toph screams as she hangs on.

Aang smashes another large rock right before we land. When we do, Toph helps Toph off and begin attacking. "Sorry!" Katara calls as she water-whips a guard.

I bend a rock to sand and begin whipping other guards as well, but unlike Katara, I don't say sorry because I'm not. A spot a boomerang out of the corner of my eye and I see Sokka nail a guard right in the head.

"Come on!" Toph yells as she flips the stairs to make a pad to lift us up. I quickly rush to the pad and help Katara and Sokka as we defend our mode of transportation. 

"Sorry! We're on your side!" Sokka yells.

Once we reach the top, Sokka bursts through the doors and we file inside.

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