Chapter 39

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After a few days of trying to get Aang to sleep, the invasion was here.

I sat next to Sokka as he read over the maps. He closes his eyes as his hand rubs his stressed forehead. "Take this" I spoke, moving his hand and giving him a cup. "Thank you Mika" Sokka smiled before taking a sip of the contents.

"Oh, no. Sokka, do you think the fog will delay the invasion?" Katara asked, causing Sokka and I to look up. "That is the invasion!" Sokka cheered getting off of the ground. My eyes widened as I too quickly joined the group as we walked down to the beach.

Aang, Toph and I quickly bent up some docks and the Water Tribe ships docked.

Then Hakoda, Sokka and Katara's dad walk out, making Katara cry out. "You made it Dad!" she cheered embracing him.

"Where you able to locate everyone I told you to find?" Sokka asked smiling at his father.

Before I could hear the rest of the conversation, a voice rang behind me "Well, I see you've come a long way from that fruit stand of yours Mika"

I turned around and my eyes connected with a pair of worn green ones. "Kong!" I cheered before rushing forward and embracing him. (Kong was Mika's earthbending teacher back in Ba Sing Se when she was a child. It was not stated, but he moved away, thus how Hakoda was able to find him.)

"Alot has happened since I last saw you Mika" Kong spoke before looking at my arm. "You found out about the war, already got battle scars and now you follow the Avatar" he smiled, his graying hair shinning.

"Yeah, the road wasn't easy, but I'm happy to be here, saving the world alongside my friends" I spoke.

"As am I, once the Firelord falls, we can get back our city" Kong spoke "Now I hope you've kept up on your moves because I've made a few new moves"

"Well, my friend actually invented metalbending and taught me it" I explained before pointing to Toph, who was currently beating on a large mans head.

"She seems...lovely?" Kong laughed.


After the hellos, we awaited for Sokka to give his speech on the invasion plan.

Aang and I had already settled that we would set off for the main city, so he could face the Firelord and I could face my father. Sokka on the other hand was still worried, because last time we had a big battle and he wasn't there, I got burned.

"Don't worry, you'll do great." Hakoda told Sokka before patting his back. Nervous, Sokka walked onto stage. "Good morning everyone. Ahh!  Umm ... so, as you know, today, we're invading the Fire Nation! I mean I know you know that because otherwise why else would you be here? Uh anyway,  the Fire Lord's palace is here. Uh nope, uh wait, uh wait, uh wait, it's here,and uh, there's an eclipse today and Aang's gonna fight the Fire Lord and the firebenders won't have any fire to use so that's good for us!  And ... um ... I'm sorry let me start at the beginning" .He then took in a breath and continued with very quickly"Katara and I discovered Aang frozen in an iceberg, now I didn't like Aang at first but grew to love him over time, then we went to the Southern Air Temple where Aang used to live and then we met Suki,who's a Kyoshi warrior. She dressed me like a woman and then she kissed me, and then Aang's friend was a crazy old king and ... " Sokka babbled on.

"He kissed who now?" I whispered to Aang, causing him to redden.

"Wow, when he says the beginning he means the beginning beginning." Katara gasped.

"... And then Katara got Haru arrested and then now he's grown a mustache which if you look at him in the front row you can see it ... " Sokka continued on but his father stopped him.

"Thank you, Sokka. It's okay why don't you take a break? " he said, causing Sokka to sadly sit beside me. "Sokka" I whispered but he ignored me, a heavy frown settled onto his lips.

"Let me just clarify a few points for everyone. Today, is the day of black sun, and I want to thank you all for your self-sacrifice, and your courage. There are two steps to the invasion, a naval stage, and then a land stage. To gain sea access to the Fire Nation capital, we need to get past our first major obstacle here, The Great Gates of Azulon. Next, we hit the land, and we hit hard. We must fight past their battlements and secure the plaza tower. Once we do that, it's up to the Royal Palace. At that point, the eclipse will begin." Hakoda explained powerfully.

"Excuse me. The Boulder is confused. Isn't the point to invade during the eclipse, when the firebenders are powerless?" a man referring in third person asks.

"The eclipse only lasts eight minutes, not enough time for the whole invasion. And the Royal Palace is heavily guarded by firebenders. So that's where we'll need the eclipse's advantage the most. When this is finished, the Avatar will have defeated the Fire Lord. We will have control of the Fire Nation capital, and this war will be over!" Hakoda spoke.

The crowd erupted into cheers, but Sokka stayed dismayed.



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