Chapter 44

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After deciding to go the Western Air Temple, we flew in silence.

Well until Appa got tired and we had to walk. Dragging my feet, my discussion with Long Feng and the harsh words of Azula spat through my mind. Long Feng clearly never cared about me, leaving me with no parents. Luckily I had the others, including Sokka (duh) but now I felt that I didn't know much about his past.

Who was Suki? And who was she to him. 

"This is humiliating." Katara sighed as I walked next to her.

"You mean getting thoroughly spanked by the Fire Nation or having to walk all the way to the Western Air Temple?" Sokka asked grimly before looking at his sister.

Katara thought about this for a moment, "Both".

"Sorry guys, but Appa gets tired carrying all these people." Aang apologized as he stroked Appa's fur.

"I wonder how the rest of the troops are." A small boy in a wheelchair named Teo asked as he pushed forward his wheels. "They're probably on their way to a prison. Seems like my dad just got out and now he's going back in." Haru grumbled before he kicked a small rock.

"I miss Pipsqueak." The Duke sighed, his large eyes hurt and pained.

"I miss not having blisters on my feet" Sokka grumbled angrily.

We were nearing a foggy cliff side but no one chose to stop walking. Suddenly as I took another step, I felt the vibrations of many different structures. Toph, clearly seeing this stomped her foot down again. "Hey, we're here! I can feel it!" She cheered.

"Uhhh ... I think your feet need their eyes checked." Katara spoke looking at Toph with worry.

"No, she's right. We are here!" Aang cheered, a large smile on his face. How could he smile? How could he be happy? We got our behinds handed to us by the Fire Nation and now we're on the run again.

"Wow ... it's amazing!" Toph mumbled as I helped her get onto Appa. 

Sokka held out his hand for me but I shot him a look instead. Then I slammed my feet onto the ground, causing the earth to pump up and launch me onto Appa. 

"Yip yip!" Aang called, causing Appa to rise into the air before descending off the cliff side.


"Well, if you ask me, the new plan is the old plan! You just need to master all four elements and confront the Fire Lord before the comet comes." Sokka exclaimed as Aang, Katara, Toph and I talked about what the new plan was.

"Oh, yeah. That's great, no problem. I'll just do that." Aang grumbled sarcastically.

"Aang, no one said it's going to be easy." Katara spoke calmly, but her hands were clenched. 

"Well, it's not even gonna be possible! Where am I supposed to get a firebending teacher?" Aang questioned looking at Katara.

"We could look for Jeong Jeong!" Katara exclaimed, making me look confused.

"Like we'll ever run into Jeong Jeong again!" Aang sighed before laying back without a care.

"Who's ... oh, never mind. If it's important I'll find out." Toph grumbled before crossing her arms. Looking at her, I agreeded with "Yeah, we're never told of anything before we joined the group."

I swear I felt Sokka burning his eyes into the side of my head.

Getting up, Aang quickly stated "Oh well, guess we can't come up with anybody. Why don't we just take a nice tour around the temple?" and he was off on his glider.

"What's up with him?" Toph asked annoyed.

"There's gotta be someone who can teach him firebending." Sokka sighed before getting up and walking off.

Getting up as well, I looked to Toph and Katara "We can go look for Aang in a few minutes. Hang on".

"Sokka!" I called before stopping the blue boy.

"What Mika?" he asked harshly "I'm surprised you even remember I exist."

He was right, I was being rude and I shouldn't be. Yet I should. 

"Who's Suki? Because it seems whoever she is, Azula loved to torment you with her" I asked, venom lacing my words. Sokka looked up at me, "Suki...was a past friend..maybe a lover..I don't know".

"Do you still love her?" I asked bluntly "Because I don't want to sleep next to a person that is thinking of another girl."

Sokka's face turned into shock "Mika!" he gasped "I love you, I don't have those kind of feelings for Suki anymore."

Now I felt bad. Sighing, I looked up at Sokka "I'm sorry, I-. I just got jealous." 

"It's alright Mika, but you need to understand, I want you safe and protected. Azula's words about you hurt me too. I want to kn-" he started before I heard the faint yell of Katara.

"We can talk later, let's go find Aang." I spoke before placing a quick kiss onto Sokka's cheek before walking to Appa.


"Aang, I think we should be making some plans about our future!" I called as Aang proceeded to do some loops before landing back onto the platform.

"Okay, we can do that while I show you the giant Pai Sho table! Oh, you're gonna love the all-day echo chamber!" Aang cheers.

"I think that will have to wait." Toph called out in a serious tone.

Suddenly as Appa moved, there stood the Prince Of The Fire Nation.

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