Chapter 9

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My eyes fluttered open. Was that a dream?

My eyes finally took in the area around me, chains,earth walls and a large bison. So it WASN'T  a dream.

I sighed as I struggled against the chains.

Sokka, Aang, Katara and Toph were all going to be set up when Appa was right under their noses. I could only hope that they saw through Long Feng's facade. Long Feng. He was my father, HE of all people were my biological father.

What other lies have I been told?

My thoughts drifted back to my friends, but mostly to Sokka. I felt free with them, with him. I felt like I could be who I wanted to be and not worry about failing or paying a price. 

Suddenly Appa began to growl angrily and struggle against his own chains. The door in which I was brought into opened, revealing a Dai Li agent. He held a tray of food and kicked in a large hay bale. 

"So you'll chain us up but spirit forbid we starve" I hiss at the guard. His eyes widen at the scene, clearly not being told of the things inside this room. "Listen, I'm just here to do my job" he spoke before setting the hay bale in front of Appa. 

"How am I suppose to eat? I can't exactly use my hand" I sneered pulling myself to the end of the chains. The Dai Li agent's face turned to fear before he quickly walked up towards me, and shot out his hand, causing the earth next to me to shoot out in a rectangle shape. He then set the tray down before rushing out of the room.

I grumbled a few curses before sadly eating the food with my mouth. After seeing that I was eating, Appa began to eat his own food. 

That's when the door opened yet again, in which Appa glared at the door. Walk in a man with a blue mask. His mask glare is settled on Appa, not even noticing me. 

"Expecting someone else?" The man teased.

Appa's gaze looked down in sadness, causing anger to fuel within me. "Hey! Stop it" I warn, causing the mans mask to lay it's gaze upon me. "Who are you? And why are you chained up so heavily? Certainly you cannot be THAT powerful" he sneered.

"How about you unchain me and you can find out" I warn as I rush to the end of my chain yet again. The man holds up his swords, ready to cut my chains when the door opens yet again.

In walks in a girl who looks oddly familiar and an old man. Wait! That's Iroh.

The man turns around before asking "Uncle? Saki?"

"So, the Blue Spirit. I wonder who could be behind that mask ..." Iroh speaks, clearly knowing who is under the mask. The man pulls off his mask, revealing a boy about my age with a large scar on his eye.

"What are you two doing here?" he asked

"I was just about to ask you the same thing. What do you plan to do now that you've found the Avatar's bison? Keep him locked in our new apartment? Should I go put on a pot of tea for him?" he asked, his tone pressed and cold.

"Uh guys" Saki spoke, her blue eyes locked onto mine "We have another person"

Iroh looked up from the boy to me. "Mika? My goodness what are you doing here?" he asked quickly walking up to my side. 

"I could ask you the same thing Iroh" I smiled weakly "I'm here because I got in the Dai Li's way". There was no way or time to explain to Iroh the full story, we had to get Appa out of here.

Iroh's fingertips instantly spat fire from them as he started to work on my chains. My eyes widened in shock "You're a Fire bender?!". 

"And he's the Prince of the Fire Nation" the girl sighed pointing towards the boy. Once Iroh unchained me, his eyes shot back to the Prince.

"I need to get him out of here Uncle" the boy spoke. Iroh instantly shot a finger at him "And then what!? You never think these things through! This is exactly what happened when you captured the Avatar at the North Pole! You had him, and then you had nowhere to go!" he spat angrily. "Iroh.." the girl warned as she tried to calm him.

"I would have figured something out! " he yelled. "No! If his friends hadn't found you, you would have frozen to death!" Iroh shouted, his yells bouncing off the walls. "I know my own destiny, Uncle!" The Prince warned, and I swear I could see smoke spewing out of his nostrils.

"Is it your own destiny, or is it a destiny someone else has tried to force on you?" Saki asked, girl eyes settling into a glare.

"Stop it!" he screamed "I HAVE to do this!"

"I'm begging you, Prince Zuko! It's time for you to look inward and begin asking yourself the big questions. Who are you, and what doyou want?" Iroh warned at the Prince who now had a name. 

Zuko then screams loudly as he throws his swords to the ground, causing Saki to flinch.

I walked to Appa's side before placing a hand onto his leg. "Prince Zuko" I whispered, "I may not know you, but you need to do what your heart and mind tells you".

Saki, who now is at his side, whispers something into his ear before he nods. He grabs his swords and looks at me, almost for approval. I give a firm nod and he slams the swords down on the chains, causing them to break.

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