Chapter 6

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Hello! Now this chapter jumps around with the time of day so DO watch out.

The next morning I was awoken by the sound of footsteps.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Aang with shaving creme all over his head as he continued to shave his head. Katara was fixing her hair loopies and gave a bright smile when she finished them. After finishing them, she got up and went to find who I assume would be Toph.

Finally, my eyes laid upon Sokka, who was swiping his machete along his cheek and chin. My eyes stayed on him. He was truly a sight to behold. He was funny, yet serious, sarcastic yet a leader but most of all, he was free. Free to do what he wanted.

His eyes darted down in the mirror, catching mine and holding them. A smile erupted onto his lips before turning around to face me "Well I see that you're finally up!"

"Yeah" I responded sitting up and stretching my arms above my head. "We were about to wake you" Aang added in as he bent some water from a bowl across the room and brought it to him, and then continued to wash off the shaving creme. 

"A girls day out!" a voice rings from inside Toph's room. Suddenly Katara runs from the room, her usual smile on her face. "Mika! Do you want to join Toph and I for a little spa day?" she asked.

Behind her, Toph was shaking her head back and fourth and mouthing 'NO!'.

"You know, I would but I should probably get home and let my parents know I'm alright" I spoke, feeling almost guilty for not going. 

"Aang and I can walk you home" Sokka spoke before grasping an arm around Aang. Aang shot Sokka a look but quickly wiped it away. "Yeah! I was just gonna walk around town today, so you're stop is on the way" he laughed lightly.

"Thank you" I spoke as I grabbed my stuff and gripped it tightly to myself.


"So, you're parents own a small market stand?" Sokka asked as we walked through the Upper Ring. I nodded my head "My Grandparents owned the place as did their parents" I explained "What do your parents do?" I asked.

Aang instantly looked down as did Sokka. A frown now replaced his happy smile. "My father is somewhere on a ship with the warriors from my tribe. My mom, she's somewhere away from this war."

I instantly felt bad for asking, his father was away and his mother had passed on.

"But here's my stop" I spoke, hoping to lighten the dark mood. "Alright, but Mika, remember, you can always come to our house" Aan grinned before giving me a small hug like last night and he was off.

Now it was just Sokka and I. 

"Thank you" I spoke, looking into his ocean eyes. "It's no problem, but like Aang said, come by whenever you want to or if the Dai Li is bothering you" he spoke, a look of concern on his face. "I will, have fun today alright?" I smiled before crushing him into a hug. He stiffened but melting into it. Once I pulled away, I turned and walked into my small home.

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