Greninja x Reader: Swimming In Your Love~

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(Description: I think I will be doing Pokemon Oneshots for awhile until I get bored. I think I will let requests be open to ask me for Pokemon oneshots. Yeah, let's do it! You can request oneshots for Pokemon now! I'll try to make every request but if there are to many, ehh. I'll let you guys decide which Pokemon oneshot to do next! I'll write a story for the first person that comments on what they want. Also, Greninja is such a cutiepie! Onto the first oneshot of many!)

"Ugh! Where is the beach in this region?!" you screamed at the top of your lungs around the streets of Lumiose city.

You had recently been dying to go to the beach so today you packed up all of your water Pokemon, some supplies, and decided to head to the beach. The only problem was you had no idea where you were going. Silly, right? The Champion of Kalos, the one who traveled the entire journey with her Pokemon to the Elite Four and the former Champion, had no idea where the beach was.

While grumbling you got an idea. Seagulls can tell where the nearest ocean is, right? Grinning, you grabbed the Pokeball that had your Peplipper and pressed the button to open it.

Peplipper gracefully flew out of the Pokeball and stood in front of you. "Hi Peplipper, how are you honey?" you smiled and hugged her. Peplipper squawked out her name and nuzzled into your surprise hug. You giggled and let go. "Peplipper can you help me? I can't remember how to get the ocean and I need your help, sweetheart! Will you help me?" she playfully rolled her eyes but nodded anyway, for she also desperately want to go to the beach. Smiling, you excited waited for her to get ready and climb on her back. Opening her wings, she sprung into the air and slowly started flying to Ambrette Town.

"YAHOOOOOO!!!" you yelled as people watched you two fly off, smiling at your silly ways.

"(Y/NNNNNN)!" Professor Sycamore yelled as trash and dirt cover his form. He then fell on his bottom. Garchomp laughed at the Professor but waved goodbye to you.

~ about a seven minute timeskip flying to Ambrette Town brought to you by a lazy author ~

"Finally! Thank you, Peplipper!" you shouted as she slowly landed onto the soft, warm sand of Ambrette Town's small beach (I know you can only land in front of the PokeCenter when using Fly in the games but bear with me.) Jumping off her back, you dug inside your bag. Finally bringing out all of your thirteen (your a water Pokemon trainer) other water Pokemon, you tapped all their release buttons to free your friends.

From two of the Pokeballs emerged a male Staru and a female Vaporeon which both chirped in happiness at you. You stood next to the ocean and released your male Garados, your female Goldeen, your female Kingdra, and your male Sharpedo. Out of five more Pokeballs came a male Empoleon, a female Corsola, a male Mantine, a male Slowking, and a female Carracosta. The final Pokeball you held was your beloved male Greninja, the one that had been there with you since the beginning. You slightly smiled when the Pokeball moved in your hand, he wanted to come out. You lightly laughed and threw the Pokeball high in the air and it opened almost immediately when it was thrown. Your male Greninja landed on the ground with a graceful step and looked at you with a big sparkle in his handsome, maroon eyes. Both of you then got into a straight position and bowed to each other, pretending to be martial artist beginning a fight. You started giggling uncontrollably and Greninja made a laughing sound. You then stood up with a huge smile and ran to hug all of your water Pokemon.

After the hugging was finished you started talking to them. "Okay guys, so today the beach seems pretty empty so you all can have all the fun you want but that doesn't mean disturb Ambrette Town! There are still probably people there so just try to be a little more quiet but still have lots of fun! Talk to you in a little!" after you finished talking they scattered off and started messing around. You grinned and brought out a beach towel from your bag and sat down, enjoying the sun.

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