Arcanine x Reader: You're Safe Now~

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(Description: Nothing really to say except a lovely person by the name of XxWolfLord95xX -a.k.a WolfLord95- made this request! Have fun reading!)

Requester: XxWolfLord95xX

(This story touches on the subject of abuse so if you're not comfortable with it please don't read! Also lots of cussing in the beginning.)


You jumped back as a beer bottle flew past your head, barely missing you and hitting the wall with a crash of glass. "H-Hey, get some more for me, won't yah (Y/N)?" he said in a slurred voice from already drinking four beers. You sighed and mumbled, " drunk." "What did you say?" he asked as he lifted from the couch with an angry look. Your eyes widened as you turned to him and quickly shook your head, "N-Nothing, dad!" He growled and grabbed your hair, "You bitch, I can break you!" he said as he screamed and threw you into the cracked wall previously behind you.

It had always been like this. Your father drinking, you and your mother being the target of anger, and the abuse, not only physical but mental as well. Until your mother finally divorced his ass, leaving him in the dust and taking you with her. Until you two found out that he got you on most week days. His abuse had gotten worse over the years, and without your mother you had no chance of getting out unharmed. Everyday you either had one more scratch or bruise on you skin, which made everyone is school very worried. Never mind even trying to keep your grades up. Your "father" kept you at home most of the time, forcing you be his maid. It was awful to say the least, always picking up beer bottles and junk. Luckily you had at least your Pokemon to keep you company through out these hard times, especially your loyal male Arcanine.

You rubbed your now bleeding head and cringed as he shouted into your face, "YOU HAVE REAL NERVE TO SAY THAT SHIT TO ME!" "B-but...Dad..." you meekly said as you shrunk back into the small corner, desperately wanting to just sink into the wall and disappear for good. "NO! You're the reason she left me! You're the reason my life is this hell! You're the reason I'm like this!" he said as he closed in on your soft face, beer-smelling breath filling your nostrils. " mercy..." you said as you whimpered. He growled and raised his hand, preparing to slap you into oblivion. "Never." he said as he grinned.

Suddenly you both heard a small noise behind him come from your bag, a bright light soon slowly engulfing the room. He turned with shock and saw a very large Arcanine growling in his face. "ARCANINE!" Arcanine roared out as he latched onto your father and bit into his right arm with his razor-sharp teeth. "AGHHHHAAA!" your father cried as he tried to break out of Arcanine's tight latch but ultimately failing. Arcanine growled as he flung your father into the wall by the stairs, making the wall cave in from the force of the throw. When he finished he almost immediately ran to your side. He whimpered as he nuzzled into your open hand, brown eyes staring into your soul. "Thank you, honey. Let's get out of here." you said with a gentle smile. He nodded as slowly picked you up, hoisting you onto his fluffy back. He looked over at your, now injured, father one last time as he growled out what seemed to be a, 'Stay away, old man.' Your father trembled as Arcanine slowly walked away with you. 'Damn that Arcanine.' your father thought.

~ Timeskip ~

Arcanine slowly set you down as your mother cradled you in her strong arms, finally finished calling 911. "T-Thank you for saving my baby girl, Arcanine. You did a great deed." she cried as she nuzzled her head into his chest. He purred and nuzzled your warm hand to his snout, breathing in your familiar scent of Rose Petals and Nutella.

It amazed him, honestly. How happy you stayed while you were around that man. You managed to train him, along with the others, daily and still keep a smile on your face. Your will for happiness and life was strong, at least he knew that. He always remembers you coming back into your room after a long day of working for your father, bloodied and bruised, but still saying, "Tomorrow's a new day, bud. Maybe he'll change!" Though your father never did change, you still hoped. Hope. What a funny word. But if hope is what keeps you alive and with him then that's all he need to know.

He laid his large head on your lap as he licked your warm hand. 'Tomorrow's a new day," he told himself, "a new day."

'You're safe now, love.' he thought with a small smile as he closed his eyes and dreamed of a new, fresh life with you. Hopefully, the odds are in your favor and this happens in the near future.

~ The End ~

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