Yandere! Xerneas x Reader x Yandere! Yvetal: Hunted~

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(This is a story that is R rated because of gruesome death scenes in both endings, viewer discretion is advised! This story will have alternate endings, one for Xernas and one for Yvetal, so be prepared! This request was made by an amazing Wattpad user by the name of Silversoul71 so go show them some love. I hope you have an amazing time reading! Thank you!)

Requester: Silversoul71

(An R rated story because of the gruesome death scenes, enjoy at your own risk.)


It has been almost two years since your first arrive at their palace. Two years of mapping and wandering these cold halls, never leaving. But also never trying to escape. You'd originally said you'd only be there for few days, at max, but to this day the two Legendaries still convinced you to say here with them. And even though you had (F/P) with you it eventually got boring once again.

The two of them had seemed so nice and gentle in the beginning, such nice things to be friends with. But never forget that looks can be deceiving. It did not take them long to become strict and almost obsessed with you, constantly making up reasons to make you stay put. And they always played the guilt trip game as well. They'd tell you how rude it'd be if you were to leave when you're in the company of Legendaries or how you'd be the cause of the destruction of the Earth or something like that.

They'd even start threatening you at times, saying how they would take (F/P) away or that they'd chain you to a wall so you couldn't leave. They'd threaten your safety, your loved one's safety, and even Kalos' safety if you ever even thought about leaving. Sometimes they got so bad that you'd have to lock yourself in your room and cry, just to get away from their stinging comments.

It was like they were scared you would leave them behind, and they showed their fear through anger and hate.

So you decided to keep your mouth shut, agreeing to whatever they would say or tell you to do. You did it to protect (F/P), yourself, and everyone else you knew or cared about. You never once spoke about leaving or wanting to leave, no matter how much you wanted to. Even if they were bluffing with their threats of destruction, which you seriously doubted, your not going to take your chances anytime soon.

But tonight was going to be different. Tonight you'd escape. You'd escape with (F/P) and finally get out of this wretched place.

As you continued to get lost in your plans of escape you accidentally began to mindlessly sketch a picture on the paper in your lap. Once you realized what you were doing you almost immediately stopped. Curiously, you looked down at the paper and saw you were drawing a broken heart with your graphite pencil.

"What..?" you quietly said as you turned your pencil over and erased the heart into oblivion. You sighed and leaned your head against the quartz wall behind you. 'It'll be amazing if I pull this off. I'll be like the legend that know one will ever forget! And once I'm free I'll throw a righteous party for everyone to enjoy!' you thought with a smile.

Though your smile didn't last as long as you hoped as it soon turned into a frown when you thought, 'But if I'm caught by either of them...' You then shook your head to clear your mind. 'No. No doubtful thoughts. This has to work. I'll make it through dinner and make my escape later tonight. It's my only chance this year.' you thought.

You read in a mysterious book from their library that every year, at one specific day, the two Legendaries will be in trancelike state of mind when nighttime comes around. They will fall asleep and won't wake until 6 AM the next day. They curl up and go to sleep but it's like they become rocks. They seriously won't wake up until the next day.

And today's that day, May 15th.

Suddenly, you heard a loud bell chime throughout the hallway and knew it was finally dinner. 'It's time...ugh stop being so shaky! It's only dinner, you've done this every night for two years, why is this night any different from any other?' you asked yourself as you got up off of the floor and bolted to the left, running towards the dining room.

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