Tyrantrum X Reader: The Gentle Giant~

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(Description: Ugh, it's been awhile, guys! This writer's block has taken a toll on me, seriously. IDK what has happened to me as of late, but I hope that I can make it up to you guys somehow...Who knows! Anyways, this is not request, just a way to weave myself back into this series and try to get readjusted to it again. Thank you all for the love and support you've shown these past months! Enjoy my story.)

Requester: No One!

(BTW, we are replacing the original Kalos Rock Type Gym Leader,  Grant, with you instead and you are more powerful than what he was ranked as in the anime and game. That's it!!)


"Hey baby, you're look'n fine today~!" a random stranger purred to you, smirking while you scowled in disgust. As he slunk over to your open side, not understanding you wanted to be left alone, you gave an irritated groan. Just another fool in this gosh darn city.

'Ugh, men...This guy must be new to Kalos if he's trying to flirt with me.' you thought with an eyebrow raised as he approached uncomfortably closer to your side, draping a lanky arm over your tense shoulders.

You see, everyone around him was looking at the two of you in shock, wondering why you haven't torn him to shreds yet. Why are you letting this weirdo do this to you?

No one flirts with you, and it's not because they don't want to, oh no. You're gorgeous, in fact, it's hard for everyone around you to restrain themselves from asking you out. Bright and fresh (H/C) locks that blow with the wind, stunning (E/C) eyes that could throw even the bravest off their feet, a beautiful smile that steals everyone's heart at first glance, you were basically the closest thing to perfection anyone in Kalos had ever seen!

The only problem was your personality.

You were, to put it lightly, a little bit...stubborn. Well, not just a little bit, a lot stubborn. You were hard-headed, loyal, protective, brave, and fiery straight down to the core. When you stated your opinion, it was final, and no one could shake you. The protective and brave sides of you were great, but when trying to deal with the hard-headed side...things got heated quick.

Though, all of your personality traits  just made you that much better of a Gym Leader. Yep, you heard me right, a Gym Leader.

You proudly lead the Rock type Gym in Kalos, one of the more powerful Gym in this region. Everyone all over the world knew about the immense strength and power you possessed in yourself and with the Pokémon you trained with. There was truly no one else in the world quite like you. That's why a lot of people sought to try and be your significant other, to win your heart in the dangerous yet amazing ballet of love.

But you, on the other hand, didn't want or need someone in your life to have as a lover. It wasn't that you didn't like people, you loved friends and family, you just didn't see the purpose of having a partner to spend the rest of your busy life with. You were completely fine on your own, and everyone who cared for you respected and accepted that trait of yours.

You were the literal embodiment of the saying, "A strong, independent woman who don't need no man."

So, that leads us to this situation. Some creepy, older guy trying to woo you into being his, 'Baby Doll' or something else of that nature.

"Hey babe, I bet you'd sound great if I..." he snickered, leaned over to your left ear, and whispered some very...inappropriate things to you that you definitely DO NOT want to hear again.

That was the last straw. You frustratingly sighed, finally deciding to end his antics before things got a little TOO far with him getting cozy around you.

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